butter - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of butter in Hindi
- मक्खन
- चाटुकारिता
- चापलूसी करना
- मक्खन लगाना
- चुपड़ना
- माखन
butter Definition
- spread (something) with butter. ( मक्खन के साथ फैल (कुछ)। )
- a pale yellow edible fatty substance made by churning cream and used as a spread or in cooking. ( एक पीला पीला खाद्य वसायुक्त वसायुक्त पदार्थ जो मलाई द्वारा बनाया जाता है और एक प्रसार या खाना पकाने में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
butter Example
- The cream, fresh butter and jam came in three separate dishes. ( क्रीम, ताजा मक्खन और जैम तीन अलग-अलग व्यंजनों में आए। )
- When using butter, it is best to cream the sugar and butter for some time before combining with the flour. ( मक्खन का उपयोग करते समय, आटे के साथ संयोजन से पहले कुछ समय के लिए चीनी और मक्खन को क्रीम करना सबसे अच्छा है। )
- Beat the egg yolk into the batter, followed by the sour cream and melted butter . ( अंडे की जर्दी को खट्टा क्रीम और पिघला हुआ मक्खन के साथ बल्लेबाज में मारो। )
- Surely it is also dedicated to getting people to buy as much milk, cheese, butter , yogurt and ice cream as possible? ( निश्चित रूप से यह लोगों को जितना संभव हो उतना दूध, पनीर, मक्खन, दही और आइसक्रीम खरीदने के लिए समर्पित है? )
- They are served hot or cold spread with butter or margarine and sometimes jelly jam and cream. ( उन्हें मक्खन या मार्जरीन और कभी-कभी जेली जैम और क्रीम के साथ गर्म या ठंडा फैलाया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- Milk products were common in the form of sour cream and butter from cows and yaks.
- Serve over mashed potatoes that have been whipped with lots of butter and milk or cream.
- Just one tablespoon of butter , sour cream or gravy can double the calories in a potato.
- The server returned to replace my tuna fork, but not either of the pointy knives which earlier we had been struggling to spread butter with.
- I took no sugar, no butter and no other cooking fat of any sort because to get these rare commodities I would have had to ask Stewart to give me some.
- Cream butter and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
- We defined high fat dairy food as whole milk, ice cream, hard cheese, butter , and sour cream.
- Dairy products such as butter , cream, and cheese are important parts of the diet, along with pork.
- There are 20 classes for hard and soft cheeses, yoghurt, cream and butter .
- I used to help my father from the age of 10, delivering butter and fresh cream on my bicycle.
- They can be eaten as is, or sliced in two and spread with a little butter , clotted cream and/or jam.
- Watch out for butter and cream hidden in many casseroles and other dishes, bakery goods and desserts.
- When cream is churned to make butter , the agitation breaks up the water into droplets.
- Staff were even instructed to cream the butter before spreading to make sure customers got even less for their money.
- Cutting out the obvious milk, butter , cream, yoghurt, and cheese is not enough.
- Place a slice of lightly buttered granary toast on each plate and spoon the scrambled egg on top.
- When buttering bread use low fat polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarine.
- Then when the toast was browned, I buttered it, and spooned the mushrooms on top.
- Who can resist freshly spread hot buns and or a lightly buttered French stick?
- I sigh at his audacity, buttering a piece of toast.
- The freshly buttered warm garlic toast made a tasty companion to the vegetable soup, and the pasta dishes were spot on.
- As for Mr Sarma, buttering the right side of the bread is an old trick he has mastered from his student days.
- ‘So,’ I asked, buttering a piece of toast, ‘What's on the schedule for today?’
- When the toast popped up she buttered it and placed each slice onto a saucer.
- The toaster dinged and I pulled out the bread, buttering it in my hand.