butt - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of butt in Hindi

  • बट
  • मुंड
  • कब्जा
  • कुंदा
  • हत्था


  • पीपा


  • पीपे में रखना

butt Definition


  • the person or thing at which criticism or humor, typically unkind, is directed. ( वह व्यक्ति या बात जिस पर आलोचना या हास्य, विशेष रूप से निर्दयी, को निर्देशित किया जाता है। )
  • a push or blow, typically given with the head. ( एक धक्का या झटका, आमतौर पर सिर के साथ दिया जाता है। )
  • a cask, typically used for wine, ale, or water. ( एक पीपा, आमतौर पर शराब, एले या पानी के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
  • the thicker end, especially of a tool or a weapon. ( मोटा अंत, विशेष रूप से एक उपकरण या एक हथियार का। )
  • the stub of a cigar or a cigarette. ( सिगार या सिगरेट का ठूंठ। )
  • the buttocks or anus. ( नितंब या गुदा। )
  • the trunk of a tree, especially the part just above the ground. ( पेड़ का तना, खासकर जमीन के ऊपर का हिस्सा। )


  • (of a person or animal) hit (someone or something) with the head or horns. ( (किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर के) सिर या सींग से मारा (कोई या कुछ)। )
  • adjoin or meet end to end. ( समीप होना या मिलना समाप्त होना। )

butt Example

  • With a satisfying clunk, the gimbal fitting slotted into the wide butt pad. ( एक संतोषजनक क्लंक के साथ, जिम्बल फिटिंग चौड़े बट पैड में फिसल गई। )
  • Alex chucked her butt to the ground and stamped it out, reaching into her purse and pulling out an empty pack of cigarettes. ( एलेक्स ने उसके बट को जमीन पर पटक दिया और उसे बाहर निकाल दिया, उसके पर्स में पहुंच गया और सिगरेट के एक खाली पैकेट को बाहर निकाला। )
  • We both hit the grass and he kept on rolling until he rolled, butt first, into the nearest tree trunk. ( हम दोनों घास से टकराए और वह तब तक लुढ़कता रहा, जब तक वह लुढ़का नहीं, पहले बट, पास के पेड़ के तने में। )
  • We've processed our fair share behind the buncher in the 38-to 40-in. range at the butt . ( हमने 38-40 से 40 के दशक में बाउचर के पीछे अपना उचित हिस्सा संसाधित किया है। बट पर सीमा। )
  • a rifle butt ( एक राइफल बट )
  • I was being paid to sit on my butt and watch television ( मुझे अपने बट पर बैठने और टीवी देखने के लिए भुगतान किया जा रहा था )
  • Don't allow text to butt up against graphic elements on your site or photographs, etc. ( अपनी साइट या तस्वीरों, आदि पर ग्राफिक तत्वों के खिलाफ पाठ को बटने की अनुमति न दें )
  • Finally I walked over there and nudged his butt with the toe of my boot, and he jumped up. ( अंत में मैं वहाँ चला गया और अपने बट के पैर के अंगूठे के साथ उसके नितंब को दबा दिया, और वह उछल गया। )

More Sentence

  • Pick the tree up and tap the butt on the ground a few times, notice how many needles fall off the tree.
  • I remember trying to block a blow from a rifle butt .
  • I was now grinding the cigarette butt into an ash tray on the coffee table.
  • All the old jokes that had politicians as their butt and target are turning out to be true and not so funny anymore.
  • I felt my butt hit the ground and found myself staring up at Ryan, who was looking down at me.
  • Install with alternate overlaps and with two nails on each side 6 to 7 inches above the butt edge.
  • The driver flicked his cigarette butt toward an ashtray and missed.
  • Without warning, he grabbed for his spear, using the butt to smack against the lone two chair legs that were supporting the napping man.
  • Where regions are back-to-back, click over the two markers that butt up against each other.
  • However, the joints at the ends of the siding where the pieces butt into one another should fall over a stud.
  • When imperial measure was introduced in 1825, the gallon and thus the butt were redefined.
  • But if you didn't butt your way toward the front of the line, you wouldn't get there.
  • It is not essential that the ends of the strips butt right up against each other.
  • Or you wanted to be a proctologist and your name was the butt of toilet humour jokes throughout your childhood.
  • At the other end of the vertebrate scale, hominoids have similarly provided the butt for many a joke, while Darwin himself has not escaped completely the humorists' pen or pencil.
  • He finds that trees with a butt diameter of about 12 inches are ideal for top production.
  • He placed the butt against his shoulder and sighted down the barrels.
  • In this kind of shooting there is generally a leader, who fixes on the objects to be aimed at; and it is frequently practised after butt or target-shooting.
  • 4. shooting at a blank target butt at a short distance with eyes shut
  • One of his hands ran down her back to rest next to the other, right above her butt .
  • a butt of malmsey
  • That ought not to have happened as slabs should not butt each other.