devolve - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of devolve in Hindi
- उतरना
- गिरना
- सौंपना
- हस्तान्तरित होना
- संक्रान्त होना
- अवक्रमित होना
- आना
- पड़ना
devolve Definition
- transfer or delegate (power) to a lower level, especially from central government to local or regional administration.
devolve Example
- Measures to devolve power to the provinces ( प्रांतों को सत्ता हस्तांतरित करने के उपाय )
- Although the king is in charge of ruling the monarchy, he decided to devolve some of the decision making to his younger brothers. ( यद्यपि राजा राजशाही पर शासन करने का प्रभारी है, उसने निर्णय लेने का कुछ हिस्सा अपने छोटे भाइयों को देने का फैसला किया। )
- A law was passed to devolve some powers of the central government to regional councils. ( केंद्र सरकार की कुछ शक्तियों को क्षेत्रीय परिषदों को हस्तांतरित करने के लिए एक कानून पारित किया गया था। )
- I complimented the couple on the boat, and before the conversation could devolve into chitchat, I said that I’d be going and gave Chandler my card. ( मैंने नाव पर जोड़े को बधाई दी, और इससे पहले कि बातचीत चिटचैट में बदल पाती, मैंने कहा कि मैं जा रहा हूँ और चांडलर को अपना कार्ड दे दिया। )
More Sentence
- A nation‘s autonomy, whatever its global standing, should be respected within reasonable limits or otherwise it will ultimately devolve into a ―kept‖ nation, autonomous in name only.
- EvE, if the web is severed or censored, will your, will our mind decease, devolve, or desist in the digital winter that would ensue? I asked the EvE not here but somewhere, and therewhere knew she was asking herself.
- The (point) being that although Evil is the purest expression of Bad; that is to say, its ultimate corruption, none of the examples cited above are proper examples of Evil but examples of human failings that, carried to an extreme, however, may devolve to Evil if not properly tended to.
- Without money, most people believe that society's heart would cease to beat, and assume that if one were to eliminate fiscal incentive and debt responsibility, the civilized world would devolve into an anarchic battle royal, everyone for themselves, winner-take-all apocalyptic nightmare.
- Behind the woolly talk of local powers and responsibilities is a failure to devolve real powers or funds to improve transport in the regions.
- The government claims regional assemblies would devolve power and decision-making.
- We will continue to devolve power to our regions and localities wherever we can.
- The yes campaigners believe this is a unique opportunity to devolve power from Westminster to the region.
- We expected more from this Government, which came to power promising to devolve power to the regions.
- The governor's call for a non-binding referendum means this responsibility will ultimately devolve upon us.
- Or should responsibility only devolve on two or three of them who bought the last rounds?
- And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.
- Are you, by this phraseology, about to devolve upon the President a discretionary power, holding the scale of national honor in one hand, and the injury and atonement in the other, to decide which nation shall be thus favored, when it is conceded on all hands that the admission of the armed vessels of one nation and the exclusion of those of the other, is an act ipso facto of hostility?
- The governor has decided to devolve some of the state responsibilities to the parishes so that the local mayors will have more control.