brotherhood - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of brotherhood in Hindi

  • भाईचारा
  • भ्रातृत्व
  • बन्धुत्व
  • बंधुत्व

brotherhood Definition

  • the relationship between brothers. ( भाइयों के बीच संबंध। )
  • an association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade. ( एक संघ, समाज, या एक सामान्य हित, धर्म या व्यापार से जुड़े लोगों का समुदाय। )

brotherhood Example

  • That is the covenant, the bond that binds this brotherhood of airmen. ( वह वाचा है, वह बंधन जो एयरमैन के इस भाईचारे को बांधता है। )
  • It was a brotherhood or association that catered to elderly craftsmen. ( यह एक भाईचारा या जुड़ाव था जो बुजुर्ग कारीगरों को पूरा करता था। )
  • I miss the Bay area brotherhood and sisterhood. ( मुझे खाड़ी क्षेत्र के भाईचारे और भाईचारे की याद आती है। )
  • The Jewish idea of redemption is synonymous with all humanity living together in peace and brotherhood , in a close spiritual relationship with the infinite Creator of the universe. ( छुटकारे का यहूदी विचार ब्रह्मांड के अनंत निर्माता के साथ घनिष्ठ आध्यात्मिक संबंध में शांति और भाईचारे के साथ रहने वाली सभी मानवता का पर्याय है। )
  • In other words, what we need is a genuine commitment to the principles of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. ( दूसरे शब्दों में, हमें जो कुछ भी चाहिए वह सार्वभौमिक भाईचारे और भाईचारे के सिद्धांतों के लिए एक वास्तविक प्रतिबद्धता है। )

More Sentence

  • Police brotherhood boss Yves Francoeur is no fan of the public security officers that patrol 17 of the 27 island boroughs.
  • For Joburg's Emergency Management Services the international bonds of brotherhood with other emergency workers are strong.
  • Costigan found that the man and other members of the union comprised a brotherhood of organised criminals.
  • ‘The government is not afraid of the brotherhood ,’ Ahmed Nazif, the prime minister, said last week.
  • Cut the ties that bind us together, cut the bond, cut our brotherhood and our sisterhood, and we suffer.
  • As a show of brotherhood , every rugby match is followed by a ‘social’ where the home team feeds and hosts the visiting team.
  • This bond of sisterhood reflects the bond of brotherhood within US infantry squads where men are broken down into smaller teams.
  • Plus, there is a brotherhood in union construction that resembles military comraderie.
  • But the truth was that the bond of brotherhood was strong between the two of them that neither could truly deny the other anything, though Will exploited this relationship much more than Eaton.
  • Each one belongs to a secret brotherhood affiliated to one of Seville's many churches.
  • Kan Je-Gyu created a masterpiece of loyalty, honor and the everlasting bonds of brotherhood .
  • Your tongue will be torn out if you reveal any of the secrets of the brotherhood … That's often said to be one of the rules of the secret societies which have been around for centuries.
  • He epitomised the keenness and competitive spirit of the Great Race as well as that of the racing community as a brotherhood .
  • a religious brotherhood
  • The most common association, the compagnonnage, was a brotherhood of journeymen that upheld rituals and traditions dating from the mid-seventeenth century.
  • Yet, in spite of all this feeling of brotherhood , Canada from the very beginning of the crisis came in for American criticism for the nonchalant way immigration services were handled.
  • Basically all those who lived away from the plantations and could claim a small plot of land, membership in a religious brotherhood , or political patronage were considered Forros.
  • the bonds of brotherhood
  • In this trip, the message we are carrying is one of peace, brotherhood and friendship.
  • The Safavid brotherhood was originally a religious group.
  • May the hearts of Christians and Muslims turn to one another with feelings of brotherhood and friendship, so that the Almighty may bless us with the peace which heaven alone can give.
  • a gesture of solidarity and brotherhood
  • In essence most of these religions have the same essence of love, brotherhood and compassion.
  • When the movie ends, as ambiguously as it began, the dominant note is not anger or even sadness, but a quiet feeling of brotherhood , a clearer sense of the ties that bind us together.
  • This focus continues, encouraged by international scouting events and an emphasis on sisterhood and brotherhood across cultures.