digestible - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of digestible in Hindi
- सुपाच्य
- पाचन योग्य
- हज़मपज़ीर
digestible Definition
- (of food) able to be digested.
digestible Example
- Her books convey philosophical issues in digestible form ( उनकी पुस्तकें दार्शनिक मुद्दों को सुपाच्य रूप में व्यक्त करती हैं )
- Pea Protein - Pea protein is a highly digestible, vegan source of protein. ( मटर प्रोटीन - मटर प्रोटीन प्रोटीन का अत्यधिक सुपाच्य, शाकाहारी स्रोत है। )
- The minimum wage is not digestible in any form or fashion, ( न्यूनतम मजदूरी किसी भी रूप या फैशन में सुपाच्य नहीं है, )
- Beef and kidney pies are about as digestible as cherry bombs. ( बीफ और किडनी पाई चेरी बम की तरह पचने योग्य हैं। )
- It is easily digestible, high in protein and calorie content. ( यह आसानी से पचने योग्य, प्रोटीन और कैलोरी से भरपूर होता है। )
More Sentence
- Siberian Musk deer have a preference for easily digestible nutritious foods.
- It is also used in coatings that are edible and digestible.
- The Refreshments started playing their easily digestible pop songs in January 1994.
- Dog food ingredients should provide sources of these important nutrients in the food formulas, but they must provide the nutrients in highly digestible food sources.
- digestible ingredients which will be discussed later on.
- Various speakers gave out a vast amount of information in a very digestible manner.
- But life offered them little digestible material, nor were they naturally voracious.
- In such cases, experiment, alone, can decide, which are the most digestible articles of food.
- As with Allinson Bread, these biscuits are most easily digestible and wholesome.
- It is never rancid and is far more digestible than Cow Butter or any other animal Fat.
- Food cooked in vegetable oil does not absorb the fat and it is more digestible and really more economical.
- They are perfectly digestible and form a splendid change of diet for dyspeptics and other sufferers.
- Animal heat is modified by the proportion of digestible carbon which the food contains, and by the quantity consumed.
- This is mildly sweet and can be eaten raw—but can be made more digestible by long boiling, which will reduce it to a gelatinous mass.
- This is the finest of all natural foods, easily digestible and highly nutritious—but NOT easy to collect for bees will guard their nest tenaciously.
- Without any aid from the science of cookery, he was immediately employed, in common with his fellows, in gorging himself with this digestible sustenance.
- Pasteurization, heating/cooking of the milk to destroy any bacteria, actually makes calcium less bio-available, less digestible and actually denatures some of the proteins in milk.
- It commends itself especially to food-reformers, as the slow cookery renders the food more digestible, and the earthenware pots are easier to keep clean than the ordinary saucepan.
- The goal is to choose a meal with quickly digestible carbs to replenish muscle glycogen as well as quickly digestible protein to provide the amino acids needed to jump start muscular repair.
- These conditions (if left to go too long) are not good and the only way to reverse this catabolic state (and promote an anabolic state) is to consume a quickly digestible post-workout meal as soon as you can after training.
- Neither sour milk and soda nor baking-powder will make as thoroughly light and spongy and digestible bread as will yeast.
- Prometheus first taught the use of animal food, and of fire, with which to render it more digestible and pleasing to the taste.
- A site as large as College Humor needs to be separated into smaller, more easily digestible bites.