bodywork - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bodywork in Hindi
- बॉडीवर्क
- बोदयवरक
- बोडयवोर्क
- ढांचा
bodywork Definition
- the metal outer shell of a vehicle. ( वाहन का बाहरी आवरण। )
- therapies and techniques in complementary medicine that involve touching or manipulating the body. ( पूरक चिकित्सा में चिकित्सा और तकनीक जिसमें शरीर को छूने या हेरफेर करना शामिल है। )
bodywork Example
- The side doors are made from recycled aluminum, the structure itself is a mixture of aluminum and recycled steel, and the hood, wings and rear bodywork are in polypropylene. ( साइड दरवाजे को पुनर्नवीनीकरण एल्यूमीनियम से बनाया गया है, संरचना स्वयं एल्यूमीनियम और पुनर्नवीनीकरण स्टील का मिश्रण है, और हुड, पंख और रियर बॉडीवर्क पॉलीप्रोपाइलीन में हैं। )
- It is at the same time important to note that if clients do not have unresolved traumatic stresses, then the likelihood of their being retraumatized by bodywork is all the less. ( यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि यदि ग्राहकों के पास अनसुलझे दर्दनाक तनाव नहीं हैं, तो उनके द्वारा शरीर सौष्ठव द्वारा वापस ले लिए जाने की संभावना सभी कम है। )
- Obscene words were scratched into the bodywork of the vehicles and other damage was caused over the bank holiday weekend. ( अश्लील शब्दों को वाहनों की बॉडीवर्क में खरोंच दिया गया था और बैंक अवकाश सप्ताह के अंत में अन्य क्षति हुई थी। )
- Overnight, the car was sent to a local Daytona body shop where the frame was straightened and bodywork repaired on the right rear quarter-panel of the classic German sports car. ( रातों रात, कार को एक स्थानीय डेटोना बॉडी शॉप में भेज दिया गया, जहाँ फ्रेम को सीधा किया गया और बॉडीवर्क को क्लासिक जर्मन स्पोर्ट्स कार के दाहिने रियर क्वार्टर-पैनल पर रिपेयर किया गया। )
- Choosing the Massage Training Institute, a leading organization teaching an holistic approach to bodywork , I began training for my diploma. ( बॉडीवर्क के लिए एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण सिखाने वाले एक प्रमुख संगठन, मसाज ट्रेनिंग इंस्टीट्यूट को चुनना, मैंने अपने डिप्लोमा के लिए प्रशिक्षण शुरू किया। )
More Sentence
- Dazzled by clustered headlamps and shiny bodywork , they are unable to see how their beloved cars have disfigured Britain.
- The three main reasons for failing the test in 2004 were bodywork , headlight alignment and registration plates.
- There are slivers of bodywork if you can call it that.
- The facility is equipped with 24 treatment rooms for massages, therapeutic bodywork , facials, conditioning body scrubs and cocoons.
- Essentially, this consisted of an oil and filter change as well as a general examination of the exterior bodywork , foot and parking brake, all drive belts, windscreen washer and wheel alignment.
- Tuina is not especially useful for those seeking a mild, sedating and relaxing massage since it tends to be more task focused than other types of bodywork .
- The most popular courses are those focusing on body awareness and bodywork , and numerous new techniques have been developed at Esalen before being introduced to the rest of the world.
- Vandals slashed tyres, scratched bodywork and pulled off windscreen wipers.
- It is frequently a result of some transient mechanical imbalance and, therefore, can be improved with bodywork and manual manipulation techniques.
- The slanted eyes of the headlight give the car an unmistakable look, adding to the muscular-looking bodywork , and remind me of a streamlined Japanese Sumo wrestler.
- For example, take a long walk or swim in the morning and then schedule a massage or some other kind of soothing bodywork in the afternoon.
- Rear bodywork is different too because the engine's vee drops the plenum down lower and a smaller hump can cover it, and the tail end is different where the exhausts exit.
- This Ferrari is constructed with extensive use of aluminum in the chassis, suspension, bodywork and engine.
- A new health bodywork technique is soon to be demonstrated in Kiltimagh.
- I brought this new philosophy back to the US, and continued my own healing practice of acupuncture, adding in herbs, homeopathy, bodywork and other modalities over time.
- There is a discussion of alternative medical approaches such as bodywork , massage and nutritional supports.
- Techniques are at the heart of any system of bodywork .
- Specific adult traumas are easily removed with the Netherton method combined with bodywork and Reichian techniques.
- She has a diploma in Nutritional Medicine and has attended workshops in reflexology, homeopathy, bodywork and aromatherapy.
- It retains the brushed metal bodywork synonymous with the Ixus range, and this gives it a sturdy feel despite its proportions.
- So our sessions devolved from bodywork to this bizarre form of primal therapy.
- Wiesmann then does its thing with lots of leather and shiny bits for the cockpit and polishes it off with the extraordinary looking bodywork .
- Based in a specially designed kiosk on the airport's first floor adjacent to the information desk, the station offers shiatsu massage - a form of bodywork involving the client's acupressure points.
- Mario-Paul is well established as a practitioner and teacher in osteopathy, bodywork , clinical massage and sports therapy.
- For those practising massage, bodywork and manipulative therapies, these somatic dysfunctions are vital to the assessment of musculoskeletal integrity.