blob - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blob in Hindi

  • बूँद


  • बूँद
  • बिंदु


  • टपकना
  • टपकाना
  • बूँद बूँद बहना
  • गोला
  • बूंद
  • गोलपदार्थ
  • छींट
  • छींटा

blob Definition


  • put small drops of thick liquid or spots of color on. ( मोटी तरल या रंग के धब्बे की छोटी बूंदें डालें। )


  • a drop of a thick liquid or other viscous substance. ( एक मोटी तरल या अन्य चिपचिपा पदार्थ की एक बूंद। )

blob Example

  • a badly printed blob on shopping bags ( शॉपिंग बैग पर बुरी तरह से मुद्रित बूँद )
  • a leathery blob commonly known as a sea squirt ( एक चमड़े की बूँद जिसे आमतौर पर समुद्री धार के रूप में जाना जाता है )
  • Still, the sight took on an ominous face, especially when the blob began to from a solid tangible shape. ( फिर भी, दृष्टि ने एक अशुभ चेहरे पर ले लिया, खासकर जब एक ठोस मूर्त आकार से बूँद शुरू हुई। )
  • I sign the verse, then drop a blob of wax underneath and make a thumb-print. ( मैं कविता पर हस्ताक्षर करता हूं, फिर नीचे मोम की एक बूँद को गिराता हूं और अंगूठे का प्रिंट बनाता हूं। )
  • It was crisp, with a dollop of really well-made tomato salsa on top (which suggested long, slow cooking and adroit seasoning) and there was a blob of melted mozzarella on that. ( यह कुरकुरा था, शीर्ष पर वास्तव में अच्छी तरह से बनाया टमाटर का साल्सा (जो लंबे, धीमी गति से खाना पकाने और एड्रोइट सीजनिंग का सुझाव दिया गया था) की एक गुड़िया के साथ और उस पर पिघले हुए मोत्ज़ारेला की एक बूँद थी। )
  • There is a history here of ancient waymarking, a faded blob of yellow now and then, one on an antique and redundant gatepost that will topple at the next nudge of a sheep's flank. ( प्राचीन तरीके से यहां एक इतिहास है, अब और फिर पीले रंग का एक फीका फूल, एक प्राचीन और निरर्थक गेटपोस्ट पर जो एक भेड़ की पीठ के अगले कुहनी से टपकेगा। )
  • The images in front of my eyes began flying by so quickly, I was no longer able to focus and pretty soon, they'd melted into one big grey blob . ( मेरी आँखों के सामने की छवियां इतनी जल्दी उड़ने लगीं, मैं अब ध्यान केंद्रित नहीं कर पा रहा था और बहुत जल्द, वे एक बड़े ग्रे ब्लॉब में पिघल गए। )

More Sentence

  • A good blob of moisturizer on your face will help your skin retain water, making sure it stays soft and supple.
  • Push a button with your thumb and it dispenses a perfect-sized blob of toothpaste through the bristles and onto the head.
  • The home page is a white page with a five line contents list up on the left and a brown blob in the middle.
  • Suppose a glowing blob of some unknown substance were parked right in front of you.
  • On the studio wall, beside the sliver of window, is a large, multi - coloured blob .
  • And back in the 90s, some other scientists studied age-old chunks of a mystery blob from 1869.
  • The solidified fat droplets collide and adhere to each other, but they retain much of their original shape instead of forming one big blob .
  • ‘I was thinking we'd stop at this town,’ he pointed to a blob on the map with his free hand, suddenly needing to change the topic.
  • My mind was a big blob and it wouldn't function right.
  • What we had done was smash our fists down on a blob of mercury and it had burst out into many droplets.
  • Is there a shared factor that binds the two together like a blob of industrial-strength super glue?
  • Soon someone spotted a massive, gelatinous white blob wriggling in the sand.
  • One, the blob tends to take on the shape of a sphere.
  • The samosa were weird but quite pleasant, if spoiled by deep-frying and an out-of-proportion blob of vinegary mayonnaise.
  • Sometimes, that's the only way to get an amorphous blob into shape.
  • At the last moment he hesitated, spotting the light reflecting off a garish purple blob taped oddly to the side of a tree another fifty feet up the trail.
  • the town is much more than a brown blob on the map
  • You can drop a blob of whipped cream to enhance the taste and add a small dash of the cognac to it.
  • If anything ever looked more like a bug splat on a car windshield or a blob of ice cream dropped on a sidewalk - it just has to be the asterisk.
  • Otherwise I would look like a big blob in the middle of the screen.
  • It was this big pink blob , and I had to let it go somewhere.
  • In one model, a saffron-yellow liquid filled the globe, and a blue blob of oil oozed up from the glass bottom like some alien life form.
  • In further contrast to the brightly coloured clothes and accessories of the young women, the man's body seems no longer human and instead is a black blob trailing a crimson train of blood.