big - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of big in Hindi

  • बड़े


  • बड़ा
  • महान
  • महत्त्वपूर्ण
  • महत
  • बृहत्काय
  • विशाल

big Definition


  • of considerable size, extent, or intensity. ( काफी आकार, सीमा या तीव्रता। )
  • of considerable importance or seriousness. ( काफी महत्व या गंभीरता का। )
  • generous. ( उदार। )


  • the major league in a professional sport. ( एक पेशेवर खेल में प्रमुख लीग। )

big Example

  • I'm very aware of what a big decision it is, but it's not the right time. ( मुझे इस बात की बहुत जानकारी है कि यह एक बड़ा फैसला है, लेकिन यह सही समय नहीं है। )
  • His game looked very pretty but he was a tall, spindly youth who simply could not cut it with the big , tough lads in his age group. ( उनका खेल बहुत सुंदर लग रहा था, लेकिन वे एक लंबे, युवा युवा थे, जो अपने आयु वर्ग में बड़े, कठिन भार के साथ इसे नहीं काट सकते थे। )
  • Yesterday's blister got a little worse and grew to the big toe region. ( कल का छाला थोड़ा खराब हो गया और बड़े पैर के क्षेत्र में बढ़ गया। )
  • My big brother and I were running toward the riverbank. ( मेरा बड़ा भाई और मैं रिवरबैंक की तरफ भाग रहे थे। )
  • they gave us a really big welcome ( उन्होंने हमें बहुत बड़ा स्वागत दिया )
  • Within a few minutes the men cut down two big branches from the tree. ( कुछ ही मिनटों में पुरुषों ने पेड़ से दो बड़ी शाखाओं को काट दिया। )
  • Because of the greater variability in the consumers, research plays a big role. ( उपभोक्ताओं में अधिक परिवर्तनशीलता के कारण, अनुसंधान एक बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है। )
  • The big toe is the classic place to find it, but it can affect other areas too. ( बड़ी पैर की अंगुली इसे खोजने के लिए क्लासिक जगह है, लेकिन यह अन्य क्षेत्रों को भी प्रभावित कर सकती है। )
  • They were unable to save his left leg but used the big toe to replace his right thumb. ( वे अपने बाएं पैर को बचाने में असमर्थ थे, लेकिन अपने दाहिने अंगूठे को बदलने के लिए बड़े पैर की अंगुली का उपयोग किया। )
  • The corporate market is not big on emotional responses to technology though. ( प्रौद्योगिकी के लिए भावनात्मक प्रतिक्रियाओं पर कॉर्पोरेट बाजार बड़ा नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • American Football isn't big over here at all. It's a shame because any games I've seen have usually been pretty good.
  • It's actually quite relaxing, except for when she presses on an area near the big toe of my left foot which is total agony.
  • it was a big success
  • So when it all works and you come out of it with the Ashes it is pretty much compulsory to go big on the champagne afterwards.
  • Mickelson may be a big gambler, but all too often when the pressure is at its most intense he has left himself a busted flush.
  • He was quick to point out that nurture plays a big role, not just our genes.
  • We kept going as we knew we were close to the finish but we cut a big corner towards the finish and broke the windscreen.
  • Although his dad has big ambitions for him, financial constraints are a problem.
  • it came as a big surprise to me
  • Even if you're not a big football fan, last night's Champions League final was a cracker.
  • For once, they are the big spenders, with the big ambitions and better players.
  • There is a reason that so few bands from Ireland make it internationally when they are so big over here.
  • Badminton is big over here. I love virtually all racket based sports, and am hoping I can get my mom to play when she comes over.
  • Though she was not a big eater herself, she enjoyed making other people happy with her meals.
  • there was a big crowd there
  • Soon, Casper began cutting the material with big scissors, and pinning them on Freya.
  • She's not as big over here as some would have you believe, but she's still pretty successful.
  • And of course our family relationships are likely to play a big role in shaping ourselves.
  • Certainly Davis has been a big influence on it, for his philosophy as much as for those jazz influences.
  • "You're a big boy. I'm going to make you a very big boy's present," she told him. "Big boys drive fire engines."