biblical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of biblical in Hindi

  • बाइबिल का
  • बाइबिल में लिखा हुआ
  • बाइबिल संबंधी

biblical Definition

  • of, relating to, or contained in the Bible. ( बाइबिल में, से संबंधित, या। )

biblical Example

  • The heavens opened and a deluge of biblical proportions had within minutes, turned roads into fast-flowing rivers and gardens into lakes. ( खुले हुए और बाइबिल के अनुपात के एक जलप्रलय ने मिनटों के भीतर सड़कों को तेजी से बहती नदियों और झीलों में बदल दिया। )
  • If only they had used biblical language at least it would have sounded less trite, hackneyed and cliched. ( अगर केवल वे बाइबिल की भाषा का इस्तेमाल करते थे तो कम से कम ट्राइट, हैकनी और क्लिच्ड लगता था। )
  • Football truly is in the midst of a crisis of biblical proportions. ( फुटबॉल वास्तव में बाइबिल के अनुपात के संकट के बीच में है। )
  • The retelling of biblical narratives is a feature of the Bible itself. ( बाइबिल के आख्यानों की रीटेलिंग स्वयं बाइबिल की एक विशेषता है। )
  • People wonder how millions of years could be squeezed into the biblical account of history. ( लोगों को आश्चर्य है कि इतिहास के बाइबिल खाते में लाखों साल कैसे निचोड़ा जा सकता है। )
  • A battle of biblical proportions is brewing in full-size pickup trucks. ( बाइबिल के अनुपात की एक लड़ाई पूर्ण आकार के पिकअप ट्रकों में चल रही है। )
  • The running narrative tone has a majestic, almost biblical cadence to it. ( चल रहे कथा स्वर में एक राजसी, लगभग बाइबिल ताल है। )

More Sentence

  • Despite his high rhetorical tone and biblical cadences, even Jack sounded bored and out of touch.
  • The language of the book from the very beginning reveals its biblical nature.
  • To be fair, he employs biblical language and imagery at strategic points along the way.
  • In the biblical account, Christ miraculously feeds thousands with just a little bread and a few fishes.
  • I couldn't help but think of that column as we faced news of truly biblical proportions last week.
  • Honest and loving dialogue between churches is a biblical and evangelical imperative.
  • In this biblical account we encounter the power of recognition intertwined with the power of faith.
  • He laments the decline in commitment to the biblical text even among evangelical preachers.
  • Neither his books nor his biographers discuss any consideration of the Bible or biblical creation.
  • They studied the Bible at home, they wrote expositions of biblical texts and composed prayer books.
  • What has been experimentally demonstrated is in no way inconsistent with the biblical account of creation.
  • The biblical language that the author recreates for her story further evokes Puritan regions.
  • Thus, early accounts of human diversity were framed within the biblical story of the creation emphasizing the unity of human kind.
  • You can call my language flamboyant but it is also biblical .
  • Another seems to be happily hanging on, which is surely a miracle of biblical proportions.
  • Perhaps this is evidence for the biblical account of the human race spreading over the earth after a universal flood.
  • I have just returned from a visit a country ravaged by disease, poverty and hunger on a biblical scale.
  • The slightest indiscretion from me would be enough to cause a tantrum of near biblical proportions.
  • It also deals with a country divided by class, language and biblical argument.
  • Suddenly, the heavens opened and there followed a rainstorm of biblical proportions.
  • The Bible stands at the center of our faith in that we read the biblical texts as Scripture.
  • The premise that this biblical style was started by a French Huguenot teacher even seems debatable.
  • Narrative critics of the Bible are demonstrating for us how biblical stories are linked together.