pledging - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of pledging in Hindi
- वचन
- प्रतिज्ञा करना
- धरना
- वचन देना
- बंधक करना
- ज़मानत देना
pledging Definition
- commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise. ( वचन (एक व्यक्ति या संगठन) एक गंभीर वादा करके। )
- give as security on a loan. ( एक ऋण पर सुरक्षा के रूप में दे। )
- promise to join (a fraternity or sorority). ( जुड़ने का वादा (एक बिरादरी या जादू-टोना)। )
- drink to the health of. ( के स्वास्थ्य के लिए पीते हैं। )
pledging Example
- as in the other colonies, by an association of nearly all the merchants, the members pledging themselves not to import anything from England until the duties were repealed. ( अन्य कॉलोनियों की तरह, लगभग सभी व्यापारियों के एक संघ द्वारा, सदस्यों ने खुद को इंग्लैंड से कुछ भी आयात नहीं करने का वचन दिया, जब तक कि कर्तव्यों को निरस्त नहीं किया गया। )
- The public rushed to the bank to obtain advances by pledging securities. ( प्रतिभूतियों को गिरवी रखकर अग्रिम प्राप्त करने के लिए जनता बैंक की ओर बढ़ी। )
- In his initial declaration to the chamber the new premier had declared his intention of continuing the policy of the late cabinet, pledging the new ministry to a policy of conciliation, to the consideration of old age pensions, an income-tax, separation of Church and State. ( चैंबर की अपनी प्रारंभिक घोषणा में नए प्रीमियर ने स्वर्गीय कैबिनेट की नीति को जारी रखने, नए मंत्रालय को सुलह की नीति पर रखने, बुढ़ापे की पेंशन, एक आयकर, चर्च को अलग करने पर विचार करने की घोषणा की थी। )
- The railway redemption contracts were in fact immediately voted by parliament, with a clause pledging the government to legislate in favor of farming out the railways to private companies. ( रेलवे रिडेम्पशन कॉन्ट्रैक्ट वास्तव में संसद द्वारा मतदान किया गया था, एक खंड के तहत सरकार ने रेलवे को निजी कंपनियों को खेती करने के पक्ष में कानून बनाने का संकल्प दिलाया था। )
- An investigator, pledging himself to no beliefs - even perhaps one who definitely disbelieves and rejects theism - may yet interest himself in tracking out the psychology of religion. ( एक अन्वेषक, खुद को बिना किसी विश्वास के प्रतिज्ञा - यहां तक कि शायद जो अविश्वास को खारिज करता है और धर्म को अस्वीकार करता है - वह अभी भी धर्म के मनोविज्ञान पर नज़र रखने में खुद को दिलचस्पी ले सकता है। )
More Sentence
- After the outbreak of the Civil War many of the Democrats of the Middle West, who were opposed to the war policy of the Republicans, organized the Knights of the Golden Circle, pledging themselves to exert their influence to bring about peace.
- He did his best to stem the Turkish advance, pledging one-fifth of the papal income to the crusade which set out in.
- handfcestnung, pledging one's hand), primarily the 0.
- This declaration of principles and plans is sometimes of importance, not only as an appeal to the people in respect of the past services and merits of the party, but as pledging them to the measures they are to introduce and push forward if they win the election.
- To prevent brothers-in-law from extorting money from a widow as a price for releasing her from perpetual widowhood, Jewish law obliges all brothers at the time of a marriage to sign a document pledging themselves to submit to halisah without payment.
- On the 1st day of January 1863 the final proclamation of emancipation was duly issued, designating the States of Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and certain portions of Louisiana and Virginia, as "this day in rebellion against the United States," and proclaiming that, in virtue of his authority as commander-inchief, and as a necessary war measure for suppressing rebellion, "I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated states and parts of states are and henceforward shall be free," and pledging the executive and military power of the government to maintain such freedom.