bewilder - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bewilder in Hindi
- भुलाना
- उलझन में डालना
- भटकाना
- भरमाना
- हैरान करना
- घबरा देना
bewilder Definition
- cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused. ( कारण (कोई) हैरान और भ्रमित हो जाना। )
bewilder Example
- If these questions bewilder you, you are not alone. ( अगर ये सवाल आपको परेशान करते हैं, तो आप अकेले नहीं हैं। )
- Beware of false, deceptive people and situations that may bewilder you temporarily. ( झूठे, धोखेबाज लोगों और स्थितियों से सावधान रहें जो आपको अस्थायी रूप से परेशान कर सकते हैं।)
- Questions like these will bewilder historians - and novelists - for decades to come. ( आने वाले दशकों के लिए इतिहासकार - और उपन्यासकार - इन जैसे प्रश्न इतिहासकार होंगे। )
- I could only stare at her in bewilderment , trying to grasp the meaning of her words. ( मैं केवल उसे घूरने में घूर सकता था, उसके शब्दों का अर्थ समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था। )
- Not only are financial products bewilderingly complex, advisors are relying on the wrong people to guide them. ( न केवल वित्तीय उत्पाद भयावह रूप से जटिल हैं, सलाहकार उन्हें मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए गलत लोगों पर भरोसा कर रहे हैं। )
- The utter imprudence of our mayor and City Council bewilders me. ( हमारे महापौर और नगर परिषद के पूरी तरह से मुझे bewilders। )
More Sentence
- Distances even to the nearest star - it takes a beam of light four whole years - are bewilderingly large.
- Shaking her head bewilderedly , Annie said ‘No, I don't understand.’
- For someone who, in the past, has been rated as the best goalkeeper in the world, it bewilders me why he so often opts to do the silly as opposed to the sensible.
- A lot of people are bewildered by the society we are living in - by the different crimes.
- At first this new arrangement bewilders me, then I'm angry that nobody told me we were moving.
- Thus some patients were bewildered as to the cause of their symptoms.
- I was still young enough to believe - bewilderedly , arrogantly, passionately - that through sheer force of will, I could bend the world to my ambition.
- Amanda shook her head bewilderedly at her friend, ‘You are not making any sense.’
- Drawn pages were on display as artworks, in their original size so that one could get up close and examine the often bewilderingly intricate line work.
- But a simple request for a list of the 40 cyclists who have been prevented from racing for excessive haematocrit levels since 1997 produced a bewilderingly response.
- The largest effect they had was to cause bewilderment and alarm throughout the neighbourhood.
- She was bewildered due to the general lack of people running the place, apparently.
- They then informed the slightly bewildered audience that we had just heard their first song.
- I'm faintly stunned by this - the fact that I have a life where this sort of thing can happen still bewilders me somewhat.
- It bewilders me, and it befuddles the architects I've talked to.
- There are other failures: the plot is bewilderingly complicated, condensed, and foreshortened.
- Most of his friends were bewildered by his change of direction, and he was alienated from all but the most loyal.
- She knows that he only agreed to breakfast because he knew his mother wouldn't be here but the one thing that bewilders her is why he is so desperate not to accept his role in the family.
- Such behaviour on the part of young people bewilders parents and pastors today.
- Whilst the conversation heightens, a bang can be heard outside and the guests look up bewilderedly when they hear a woman shouting from the hallway.
- His parents are so bewildered , they are sure it must have been an accident.
- It bewilders me why so many fans go so far to slavishly ape their icons' lifestyle, dress, and style.
- He looks like he always does: a slightly bewildered bloke, swept along by events.
- He is clearly bewildered as to how he came to be in such a predicament.