bolt - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bolt in Hindi

  • पेंच


  • पेंच
  • कुलाबा
  • सिटकनी
  • पेच
  • गाज


  • चटकनी लगाना
  • सिटकनी लगाना
  • पेंच कसना
  • कलदार धनुष का छोटा बाण
  • तीर
  • मुंबई शेयर बाजार आन-लाइन क्रय-विक्रय
  • बज्र
  • बनाओ, मालिक बनो, पट्टे पर दो, हस्तांतरित करो

bolt Definition


  • fasten (something) with a metal pin or bar, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से एक धातु पिन या पट्टी के साथ जकड़ना (कुछ)। )
  • pass (flour, powder, or other material) through a sieve. ( एक छलनी के माध्यम से पास (आटा, पाउडर, या अन्य सामग्री)। )
  • (of a horse or other animal) run away suddenly out of control. ( (एक घोड़े या अन्य जानवर के) अचानक नियंत्रण से बाहर भाग जाते हैं। )
  • eat or swallow (food) quickly. ( जल्दी से खाना या निगल (खाना)। )


  • a metal pin or bar, in particular. ( एक धातु पिन या बार, विशेष रूप से। )
  • a short heavy arrow shot from a crossbow. ( एक क्रॉसबो से छोटा भारी तीर। )
  • a flash of lightning leaving a jagged line across the sky. ( आकाश में एक दांतेदार रेखा छोड़कर बिजली का एक फ्लैश। )
  • a roll of fabric, originally as a measure. ( कपड़े का एक रोल, मूल रूप से एक उपाय के रूप में। )

bolt Example

  • Inserting the next magazine, I was confounded when the bolt merely slid over the top round. ( अगली पत्रिका को सम्मिलित करते हुए, मुझे अनुमान था कि जब बोल्ट केवल शीर्ष दौर पर फिसल जाता था। )
  • The footsteps retreated quickly from inside her cell, the door clanging shut and the bolt scraped across the metal, signaling the door was locked. ( पदचाप उसके कक्ष के अंदर से तेजी से पीछे हट गई, दरवाजा बंद हो गया और बोल्ट धातु के पार खिसक गया, जिससे दरवाजा बंद था। )
  • The heritage railway is now faced with the task of replacing all of the electrical items in the station, which were frazzled by the bolt of lightning. ( विरासत रेलवे को अब स्टेशन के सभी बिजली के सामानों को बदलने के काम का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, जो बिजली के बोल्ट से प्रभावित थे। )
  • Hot weather will cause the plants to bolt just like regular mustard. ( गर्म मौसम के कारण पौधे नियमित सरसों की तरह उछलेंगे। )
  • He slid the bolt back on top of his rifle allowing the first bullet to rest in the chamber. ( उन्होंने अपनी राइफल के ऊपर से बोल्ट को पीछे खिसकाया जिससे पहली गोली चैम्बर में आराम करने के लिए लगी। )
  • A bolt of lightning hit his house earlier this month and damaged most of the electrical equipment inside. ( इस महीने की शुरुआत में बिजली के एक बोल्ट ने उनके घर को टक्कर मार दी और बिजली के ज्यादातर उपकरण क्षतिग्रस्त हो गए। )
  • Usually, it took a long time to load a crossbow bolt into the bow. ( आमतौर पर, धनुष में क्रॉसबो बोल्ट को लोड करने में काफी समय लगता था। )

More Sentence

  • After tightening the bolt and clipping the rope in, I had nothing left to do than test my theory.
  • We quickly unload cases, leave them with our bags and personal belongings in the store room and lock the door with the sliding bolt and padlock.
  • He had wanted to bolt it onto a lamppost, but council planning officers refused permission.
  • Newer varieties offered by the seed companies are slow to bolt in summer heat, and can be used to extend the growing season.
  • The door had a single bolt that had been neglected for so long that it was rusting and squeaked as they pulled it back.
  • A magazine slipped into place with a smooth click, the bolt slid back and forth freely.
  • Plants bolt quickly, too, so sow seeds in small batches every few weeks.
  • There was a sudden flash of white light and a jagged bolt came down from the night sky.
  • We also spotted a chunk of metal and a bolt missing from the gearbox.
  • A cricketer was killed by a lightning bolt in a country league game in New South Wales state, police said Saturday.
  • People under stress may also bolt their food, creating extra work for their digestive juices.
  • Jonathan pulled out the shaft of the crossbow bolt , leaving the tip still embedded.
  • He let the bolt of the crossbow go without a second thought.
  • They then had to place the heavy new tyres over the wheels and bolt them on.
  • Use transplants in February for a quick crop of lettuce and broccoli before the weather heats up and the plants bolt .
  • At one stage in his career he had metal plates in both knees, 28 screws in his legs and a bolt in his left wrist.
  • Coriander grows well in autumn, winter and spring but tends to bolt to seed in the hot weather.
  • A bolt of lightning flashed across the horizon and lit the sky.
  • I rubbed the thin, pale scar on my arm where the crossbow bolt had grazed me.
  • I edged out of the cell and slid the bolt in place, and made my way back to the ramp.
  • there's no need to bolt your food
  • In a deadbolt lock, there is no spring mechanism - the turning cylinder slides the bolt forward and backward.
  • To reduce the risk of wandering, put a slide bolt high on every door that leads to the outside or to a stairwell, or use a deadbolt that requires a key.