bullet - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bullet in Hindi
- गोली
- बुलेट
bullet Definition
- a projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm, typically made of metal, cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive. ( राइफल, रिवाल्वर, या अन्य छोटे बन्दूक से फायरिंग के लिए एक प्रक्षेप्य, आमतौर पर धातु, बेलनाकार और नुकीले से बना होता है, और कभी-कभी एक विस्फोटक होता है। )
- a small symbol, such as a solid circle, printed just before a line of type, such as an item in a list, to emphasize it. ( एक छोटा प्रतीक, जैसे कि एक ठोस वृत्त, एक प्रकार की रेखा से ठीक पहले छपा हुआ, जैसे कि किसी सूची में एक वस्तु, इस पर जोर देने के लिए। )
bullet Example
- And Lee fired the bullet out of her rifle, right after mumbling some annoyed incoherencies. ( और ली ने अपनी राइफल से गोली चलाई, कुछ नाराज असंतुष्टों को शांत करने के बाद। )
- He's the human bullet and now he reigns supreme in the fastest sport on the planet. ( वह मानव बुलेट है और अब वह ग्रह पर सबसे तेज खेल में सर्वोच्च शासन करता है। )
- I'm already faster than a speeding bullet , or so Tracy says. ( मैं पहले से ही तेज गति वाली बुलेट से तेज हूं, या ट्रेसी कहती है। )
- For example, the assault rifle fires bullet bursts as a primary fire, and launches grenades for secondary. ( उदाहरण के लिए, असाल्ट राइफल फायर करता है गोली एक प्राथमिक आग के रूप में फट जाती है, और माध्यमिक के लिए हथगोले लॉन्च करती है। )
- And I should be able to run faster than a speeding bullet . ( और मुझे तेज गति की गोली से भी तेज दौड़ने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- This report shows an economy that has not only turned around - it's moving forward like a bullet .
- They came to learn about the plane that could fly faster than a bullet , faster than the earth rotated.
- I can type as fast as a speeding bullet and then some.
- As he thought, he swung his arm around fast as a speeding bullet .
- Lin was right, they didn't move slowly; Penny ran as fast as a bullet across the land just as the sun was beginning to set.
- Here's a bullet pointed list of how my trip went, because I realize I've been less than linear here.
- Against Washington, Johnson threw a bullet pass to the corner, hoping Anderson would be there.
- In addition to being the better leaper and all-around athlete, Moss is the league's top bullet in a league thirsting for speed.
- The external pane needs to withstand the kind of battering any object in orbit can expect: tiny objects at orbital speed are more energetic than a bullet fired from a rifle.
- Like a bullet I thrust myself in a straight angle moving through ceilings, floors, ceilings and a wall.
- Sadly for Ajax, his bullet of a shot flies just over.
- We found an old rifle, bullet shells and homemade bombs.
- She said authorities also found in the car automatic rifles, bullet cartridges, plastic explosives and other materials.
- I jumped up and high tailed it out of there faster than a speeding bullet , grabbing Melanie's hand and dragging her away with me.
- It will change it's settings and objectives a thousand times a second, and it will move through our system like a bullet from a gun.
- Another sharp report split the night, and the second bullet from a sniper rifle ricocheted off the pavement to my immediate right.
- Carr, seeing Johnson streaking down the right sideline wide open, threw a low bullet .
- It's moving like a bullet , but it slows down fast; goes from sixty to zero, to reverse the old saying.
- That way the hard barrel compresses the relatively soft metal of the bullet as the exploding gunpowder hurls the projectile down the barrel.
- It is arguable whether Bryant is really top five or top ten, but whatever, he's high on the charts with a bullet next to his name.
- Who is able to jump off the bench faster than a speeding bullet ?
- the ball sped across the grass like a bullet
- your record's bad, but it's doubtful they'll give you the bullet
- Portis is the fourth-highest ranked running back and put a bullet next to his name.
- Bold important text, create subheadings for extremely important points and create more bullet lists where needed.