baseboard - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of baseboard in Hindi
- लकड़ी की पट्टी
- बेस्बोर्ड
- बैस्बॉर्ड
baseboard Definition
- a narrow wooden board running along the base of an interior wall. ( एक आंतरिक लकड़ी के आधार के साथ एक संकीर्ण लकड़ी का बोर्ड चल रहा है। )
baseboard Example
- For instance, a baseboard wall along one edge of the courtyard makes a fence from the adjacent house. ( उदाहरण के लिए, आंगन के एक किनारे के साथ एक बेसबोर्ड की दीवार आसन्न घर से एक बाड़ बनाती है। )
- Check the baseboard or moldings for signs of mildew. ( फफूंदी के संकेतों के लिए बेसबोर्ड या मोल्डिंग की जाँच करें। )
- By the time I finish my lunch, including that slice of cake I wasn't going to have, the two waiters under the table laden with the tempting mounds of sweets have finished scouring the baseboards . ( जब तक मैं अपना दोपहर का भोजन समाप्त कर लेता हूं, तब तक केक के उस टुकड़े सहित मैं नहीं जा रहा था, मिठाई के मोहक टीले से लदी टेबल के नीचे दो वेटर्स ने बेसबोर्ड्स को खंगालना समाप्त कर दिया है। )
- Use appropriate enhancements, such as decorative molding, baseboards , and bead board. ( सजावटी मोल्डिंग, बेसबोर्ड और मनका बोर्ड जैसे उपयुक्त संवर्द्धन का उपयोग करें। )
- When laying down plastic sheeting, it's best to lay painting tape (usually blue in color) against the baseboards around the perimeter of the room. ( प्लास्टिक की चादर बिछाने के दौरान, कमरे की परिधि के चारों ओर बेसबोर्ड के खिलाफ पेंटिंग टेप (आमतौर पर नीले रंग में) रखना सबसे अच्छा है। )
- Her shoulders slumped forward, some invisible burden pressing hard on her, and her eyes were cast down and away, as if inspecting the baseboards for dust. ( उसके कंधे आगे की ओर खिसक गए, कुछ अदृश्य बोझ उस पर जोर से दबा रहा था, और उसकी आँखें नीचे और दूर डाली गईं, जैसे कि धूल के लिए बेसबोर्ड का निरीक्षण कर रहे हों। )
- The same is true for smaller baseboards and ceiling moldings, which are nailed into the top and bottom wall plates rather than into the studs. ( छोटे बेसबोर्ड और सीलिंग मोल्डिंग के लिए भी यही सच है, जो स्टड के बजाय ऊपर और नीचे की दीवार प्लेटों में घोंसले हैं। )
- Most manufacturers also offer compatible trim pieces, such as thresholds and baseboards , that give a uniform look to the installation and help it blend with other areas of the home. ( अधिकांश निर्माता संगत ट्रिम टुकड़ों, जैसे थ्रेसहोल्ड और बेसबोर्ड की भी पेशकश करते हैं, जो इंस्टॉलेशन को एक समान रूप देते हैं और इसे घर के अन्य क्षेत्रों के साथ मिश्रण करने में मदद करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- During this time of economic boom in Italy, his new factory grew and prospered in the production of baseboards , trim and cornices for the building industry.
- No baseboards , door frames, or other woodwork interrupt its plaster walls.
- The same treatment was used on the baseboards , casings and mouldings throughout the home.
- Measure wall height from floor to ceiling, excluding baseboards and moldings.
- Sunday while D. labored with a vacuum cleaner in the living room cursing the cat hair on the baseboards , I worked in the study closet, the deepest vault of my former abode.
- The trim can be used around windows and doors, for baseboards , crown moldings, and chair rails.
- He designed distinctive frames for the pictures and made sure the baseboards and crown moldings were painted to harmonize with the colored fabrics he used to cover the walls.
- I even think that the baseboards in all the halls have not once made me wonder who is spending my residence fees.
- They like to chew on stuff if left alone - wires, wooden baseboards , whatever - so they need to be trained out of that if you want them to run around the house on their own.
- Doors and windows have no trim, and there are no baseboards or moldings to cover the intersections of walls and floors.
- Unlike most other ants they actually like human homes and will even nest inside homes when it's convenient - usually behind baseboards or under appliances.
- To remove the shoe molding, use a utility knife to carefully cut through any thick paint layers between the baseboards and the molding.