barometer - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of barometer in Hindi
- बैरोमीटर
- वायुदाबमापी
- वायुमान यंत्र
barometer Definition
- an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude. ( वायुमंडलीय दबाव को मापने वाला एक उपकरण, जिसका उपयोग विशेष रूप से मौसम का पूर्वानुमान लगाने और ऊंचाई निर्धारित करने में किया जाता है। )
barometer Example
- furniture is a barometer of changing tastes ( फर्नीचर स्वाद बदलने का एक बैरोमीटर है )
- She says she began to understand that the voice coming out of her is a barometer of her self-image. ( वह कहती है कि वह यह समझने लगी थी कि उससे निकलने वाली आवाज उसकी आत्म-छवि का एक बैरोमीटर है। )
- Before departing, the master of the Koombana had noted the low barometer , and had said he expected a slow trip to Broome. ( प्रस्थान करने से पहले, कोम्बाना के मास्टर ने कम बैरोमीटर का उल्लेख किया था, और कहा था कि वह ब्रूम की धीमी यात्रा की उम्मीद करते हैं। )
- The barometer was not developed to measure atmospheric pressure as it is used for today. ( बैरोमीटर को वायुमंडलीय दबाव को मापने के लिए विकसित नहीं किया गया था क्योंकि यह आज के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- The barometer is dropping, so we may be in a blizzard by midday ( बैरोमीटर गिर रहा है, इसलिए हम दोपहर तक बर्फानी तूफान में हो सकते हैं )
- Their treatment has become a barometer by which we can measure the essential justice of the war on terrorism. ( उनका उपचार एक बैरोमीटर बन गया है जिसके द्वारा हम आतंकवाद पर युद्ध के आवश्यक न्याय को माप सकते हैं। )
- We have text on how a barometer measures air pressure that you might be interested in. ( हमारे पास पाठ है कि एक बैरोमीटर हवा के दबाव को कैसे मापता है जिसमें आपकी रुचि हो सकती है। )
- The way the new leader organizes the inaugural Cabinet will act as a barometer indicating the direction of the new government. ( जिस तरह से नए नेता उद्घाटन कैबिनेट का आयोजन करते हैं वह बैरोमीटर के रूप में कार्य करेगा जो नई सरकार की दिशा को दर्शाता है। )
- The atmospheric pressure on each experimental day was recorded using a barometer . ( प्रत्येक प्रयोगात्मक दिन पर वायुमंडलीय दबाव एक बैरोमीटर का उपयोग करके दर्ज किया गया था। )
More Sentence
- Drinking, and particularly the ability to hold a drink, is traditionally a barometer of masculinity.
- This is a great barometer for Cork to measure their progress this year.
- Although the amount of time spent on homework is easily measured, using time as the only barometer for success can be deceptive.
- In Italy, Torricelli did research which led to developing the barometer and the measure of air pressure.
- In many ways insurance companies are as good a barometer as any that climate is becoming ever more treacherous.
- The odds are a barometer by which to measure your expertise and challenge your sanity.
- This will be the ideal barometer to gauge our strength.
- His mood is a barometer of international politics; his spirits rise and fall with the tenor of each news day.
- The law and order scenario in a society can, generally, be used as a barometer of good governance and social health.
- Florida in fact provides a useful barometer for gauging the American political mood.
- It's also a useful barometer for you and us to use in measuring our standards.
- As the barometer had indicated, the storm swiftly arrived, but not from the expected direction.
- Weekend box office numbers have become the barometer by which a film's success is determined.
- The next week or so will be a barometer of just how far Houllier has travelled in his mission to return Liverpool to greatness.
- The restaurant trade might well be a barometer of how the local business community is faring.
- The DNS Pro models also have a barometer , altimeter and weather-forecasting capability.
- Nor does it count as an explanation of today's rainstorm to claim that it rained because a barometer reading decreased yesterday.
- The anticipated temperature (in Fahrenheit and well as Celsius), rainfall, windspeed, barometric pressure and cloud cover are given, among other parameters.
- Shell Canada and Pulsearch Navigation Systems of Calgary have developed an integrated real time differential GPS and barometry system.
- There you should be able to find thermometers, rain gauges, wind vanes and possibly barometers and humidity gauges.
- They had sextants, early microscopes, clocks, thermometers, and barometers .