airdrome - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of airdrome in Hindi
- विमानाश्रय
airdrome Definition
- an airport. ( एक हवाई अड्डा। )
airdrome Example
- One morning the whole group was summoned to a special intelligence briefing and told that no aircraft were to take off that day and that the airdrome anti-aircraft defenses would not fire at enemy aircraft that might appear! ( एक सुबह पूरे समूह को एक विशेष खुफिया ब्रीफिंग के लिए बुलाया गया और बताया कि उस दिन कोई भी विमान नहीं उतारना था और दुश्मन के विमानों में एयरड्रो एंटी-एयरक्राफ्ट डिफेंस में आग नहीं लगेगी! )
- From what reports tell me, you can't get a finer airdrome than you have got at Maxwell Field. ( मुझे कौन सी रिपोर्ट बताती है, आपको मैक्सवेल फील्ड में जितने फाइन एयरड्रोम मिले हैं, उससे बेहतर नहीं मिल सकते। )
- The target was to be a German airdrome behind the Austrian lines. ( लक्ष्य ऑस्ट्रियाई लाइनों के पीछे एक जर्मन एयरड्रोम होना था। )
- The commander showed up and told our senior officer that he wanted to inspect the airdrome . ( कमांडर ने दिखाया और हमारे वरिष्ठ अधिकारी को बताया कि वह एयरड्रोम का निरीक्षण करना चाहता है। )
More Sentence
- Glover saw the airdrome first and reported it to me.
- The airdrome was a dirt strip almost within the city; one end of the short strip was 70-ft higher than the other end, so we always took off downhill and landed uphill.
- I returned to the airdrome and was fired at by ground batteries.
- Our squadron lived in a small two-story bullet spattered stucco house in an open field about 200-yds from the airdrome .
- Our airdrome was the nearest to the front lines and the first one you came to returning from Anzio.
- Sometimes an airdrome or river might be misplaced but not difficult to sort out.
- Early next morning, I went straight to the entrance of the airdrome .
- On 14 October, a few days after Naples fell, we moved to the big airdrome at Pomigliano at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, about 10-km east of Naples.
- The money being offered by English agents who toured Ireland during 1940-42 recruiting labour for the airdromes proved very attractive, particularly as they also paid expenses to the workers to get to their destinations.