confuse - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of confuse in Hindi

  • भ्रमित
  • अव्यवस्थित करना
  • घबड़ाना
  • घबराना
  • भरमाना
  • अस्तव्यस्त करना
  • भ्रमित करना

confuse Definition


  • cause (someone) to become bewildered or perplexed.

confuse Example

  • In like manner it would be erroneous to confuse the sense of the expression as it obtains on the continent of Europe with what is understood under this term in England and America. ( इसी प्रकार, यूरोप महाद्वीप पर प्राप्त होने वाली अभिव्यक्ति की भावना को इंग्लैंड और अमेरिका में इस शब्द के तहत समझा जाने वाला भ्रम गलत होगा। )
  • I was angry and confused. ( मैं गुस्से में था और भ्रमित था। )
  • But it is easy to confuse them by mistaking examples of deduction for inductions. ( लेकिन प्रेरणों के लिए कटौती के उदाहरणों को गलत करके उन्हें भ्रमित करना आसान है। )
  • I'm just a little confused. ( मैं थोड़ा उलझन में हूं। )
  • There is a marked disposition on the part of critics of hedonism to confuse "pleasure" with animal pleasure or "passion," - in other words, with a pleasure phenomenon in which the predominant feature is entire lack of self-control, whereas the word "pleasure" has strictly no such connotation. ( जानवरों की खुशी या "जुनून" के साथ "खुशी" को भ्रमित करने के लिए, हेडोनिज़म के आलोचकों की ओर से एक चिह्नित विवाद है, दूसरे शब्दों में, एक खुशी की घटना जिसमें प्रमुख विशेषता आत्म-नियंत्रण की कमी है, जबकि शब्द "खुशी" का कड़ाई से कोई अर्थ नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • I'm confused enough as it is.
  • Why did men always seem to confuse helping out with assuming command?
  • Tom seems to be a tad confused.
  • We must not confuse ouvia with Eivat, nor g m with yiyvEoOat.
  • The points in relation to this offering which are clearly demonstrable from the Christian writers of the first two centuries, but which subsequent theories have tended to confuse, are these.
  • Toll proposed that a second revolt should break out in the province of Scania, to confuse the government still more, and undertook personally to secure the southern fortress of Kristianstad.
  • Oh, that Ben Nightline!--he's trying to confuse.
  • Don’t confuse time and space or space with time.
  • Hopefully a random trajectory would confuse them.
  • Please do not confuse that with being competitive.
  • Lewis is purposely trying to confuse this witness.
  • They may also confuse their belief with the facts.
  • One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its
  • They might confuse that hard work with personal growth, internal challenges, junk like that.
  • We must be careful not to confuse two issues here.
  • It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism.
  • It is not difficult confuse the two, but they are vastly different.
  • It looks almost like a cluster, and I have known unwary observers to confuse it with the Pleiades.
  • No little brown snakes to frighten and confuse me.
  • Do not confuse it with the human concept of love.
  • Mother you confuse me, what are you talking about.
  • Don’t confuse his stubbornness with disappointment.
  • We children confuse it with the bridge of her violin.
  • They also flash brightly and are designed to confuse.
  • To the epistemologist it seemed to confuse foundation and keystone, and to suppose itself to build upon the latter in a construction illegitimately appropriative of materials otherwise accumulated.
  • Why should I confuse you with unproven suppo­sitions that may be totally irrelevant?
  • a lot of people confuse a stroke with a heart attack
  • the points made by the authors confuse rather than clarify the issue
  • purchasers might confuse the two products