crab - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crab in Hindi
- केकड़ा
- कर्क राशि
crab Definition
- a crustacean with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers. Crabs are abundant on many shores, especially in the tropics, where some have become adapted to life on land.
- a louse that infests human body hair, especially in the genital region, causing extreme irritation.
- a machine for picking up and lifting heavy weights.
- short for crab apple.
- an irritable person.
- move sideways or obliquely.
- fish for crabs.
- act so as to spoi
crab Example
- Form into 10 large crab cakes. ( 10 बड़े केकड़े केक में फार्म। )
- Not surprisingly, peeler crab is the best hookbait. ( आश्चर्य नहीं कि पीलर केकड़ा सबसे अच्छा हुकबैट है। )
- It might make them crab meat. ( यह उन्हें केकड़ा मांस बना सकता है। )
- The living horseshoe crab, Limulus; compare with Fig. 38. ( जीवित घोड़े की नाल केकड़ा, लिमुलस; चित्र 38 से तुलना करें। )
More Sentence
- Gently fold in crab meat, avoiding breaking lumps.
- The stone crab is cooked by boiling.
- He used to fish for blue crab in the river and sell them for a nickel apiece.
- The whole of that crab, every single pincer and leg, however long, had been excised with the knife.
- One relation alone survives, the horseshoe crab.
- Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke is putting up a crab cake dinner, and a tour of Baltimore.
- Anyone who has tried to remove a hermit crab from its shell will know how tenacious these creatures can be.
- A crab moves sideways.
- Pick crab meat for any shells.
- The crab left too much of a fishy aftertaste.
- Known for their signature crab cakes to juicy burgers, this restaurant is perfect for a comfortable dinner with the kids.
- The crab and salmon cakes are also popular starters.
- Not long, after I’ve thawed the crab meat.
- Hermit Crab Profile Facts and Care Information.
- When a waiter passes by, she snags a crab puff.
- After the age of the Lion comes Cancer, the Crab.
- A variation of the Deep Crab is the Crab pattern.
- He had been stepping on the back of a giant crab.
- This included crab legs, OWG fries, and cheesecake.
- Poor crab! He might as well have preached to the wind.
- She reached over, knocked a bit of crab off his chin.
- At lunchtime or dinner, appetizers include a hummus plate, super lump crab cake and a freshly homemade soup of the day.
- 4), or, finally, the penultimate segment may be produced into a thumb-like process opposed to the movable terminal segment or finger, forming a perfect chela or forceps, as, for instance, in the large claws of a crab or lobster.
- These spaces make up the apparent body-cavity, the ta, Stomach of common crab, true body-cavity or coelom having Cancer pagurus, laid open, been, for the most part, obliter showing b, b, b, some of the ated by the great expansion of calcareous plates inserted in the blood-containing spaces.
- Fold ends up and over crab mixture, forming an oval.
- Mix all ingredients together, except crab meat and Cheddar cheese, until smooth.
- The horseshoe crab is preserved on a flat-bedded limestone.
- But the cowbird and hermit crab can make no such claims.
- Form into 10 large crab cakes. Place on plate.
- As with Palaeocarpilius powerful claws are held close to the body, like the living shore crab.
- He made his way down the narrow road, huddled like a crab within his familiar brown overcoat.
- I picked one and threw it at a crab apple tree.
- The body meat of the blue crab is white, that of the claws, brownish.
- As with Palaeocarpilius powerful claws are held close to the body, like the living shore crab.
- He made his way down the narrow road, huddled like a crab within his familiar brown overcoat.