baritone - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of baritone in Hindi

  • मध्यम आवाज़
  • मध्यम आवाज़वाला

baritone Definition


  • an adult male singing voice between tenor and bass. ( एक वयस्क पुरुष, जो टेनर और बास के बीच गाना गाता है। )
  • an instrument that is second lowest in pitch in its family. ( एक उपकरण जो अपने परिवार में पिच में दूसरा सबसे कम है। )


  • second lowest in musical pitch. ( म्यूजिकल पिच में दूसरा सबसे कम। )

baritone Example

  • The thick baritone delivery of singer Paul Banks could pass him off as an Ian Curtis impersonator, but upon further listens you may begin to think differently. ( गायक पॉल बैंक्स की मोटी बैरिटोन डिलीवरी ने उन्हें इयान कर्टिस इम्पोनेंट के रूप में पास कर दिया, लेकिन आगे की बात सुनकर आप अलग तरह से सोचना शुरू कर सकते हैं। )
  • The baritone voice sang the final three words, D D E. ( बैरीटोन आवाज ने अंतिम तीन शब्दों डी डी ई को गाया। )
  • Paul Williams's infectious musical score is lip-synched by the kids, and it's quite comical to hear their normal high-pitched tones give way to deep baritone singing voices during the musical numbers. ( पॉल विलियम्स का संक्रामक संगीत स्कोर बच्चों द्वारा लिप-सिंक किया गया है, और यह सुनने के लिए काफी सामान्य है कि उनके सामान्य उच्च-स्वर टन संगीत की संख्या के दौरान गहरी बैरिटोन गायन की आवाज़ें देते हैं। )
  • On Sings Pajo introduced his shaky baritone to the world along with a new-found talent for writing great rootsy folk. ( सिजेस पर पाजो ने शानदार जड़ वाले लोक लेखन के लिए एक नई-नवेली प्रतिभा के साथ दुनिया को अपने अस्थिर चरित्र का परिचय दिया। )
  • Ian Storey is a wonderfully swaggering Pinkerton and his powerful baritone proves the perfect counterpoint to Butterfly's swooning. ( इयान स्टोरी एक शानदार स्वैगिंग पिंकर्टन है और उसका शक्तिशाली बैरिटोन बटरफ्लाई के स्वेनिंग के लिए बिल्कुल सही साबित होता है। )
  • Soprano Raquel Lojendio is the lovely soloist in five of the songs; together, she and the baritone also sing a lullaby for the baby Jesus. ( पांच गीतों में सोप्रानो रकील लोजेंडियो प्यारे एकल कलाकार हैं; साथ में, वह और बैरिटोन भी बच्चे यीशु के लिए एक लोरी गाते हैं। )
  • Paul Watson, part of Sparklehorse's touring band, turns up here playing coronet (and baritone guitar on the album's final song). ( स्पार्कलेहर्स टूरिंग बैंड का हिस्सा पॉल वॉटसन यहां कोरोनेट (और एल्बम के अंतिम गीत पर बैरिटोन गिटार) बजाते हुए दिखाई देते हैं। )
  • With a sudden explosion of baritone sax, trumpet, and guitar - plus a boxful of percussion toys - the whole song is one ecstatic, extended crescendo. ( बैरिटोन सैक्स, ट्रम्पेट और गिटार के अचानक विस्फोट के साथ - साथ ही टक्कर वाले खिलौनों का एक बॉक्स - पूरा गाना एक उन्मादपूर्ण, विस्तारित अर्धचंद्राकार है। )

More Sentence

  • Accompanying them were the Bushwack Horns - a four-piece horn section of trumpet, trombone, baritone and alto sax, which played on the band's latest disc Palace Of Gold.
  • ‘I can't love you any more,’ I sang in my very best imitation of Bebe Daniels, which isn't very good but then a bass baritone can only do so much in the way of 1940s popular soprano.
  • The child's sound had matured into a full, rich baritone .
  • When it came to the clarinet family, one must admit that the basset horn does sound a trifle canine, but as with flutes and saxophones, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone or bass always flowed on in logical order.
  • The medieval church knew no choral polyphony, only the ensemble of three or four soloists, drawn from alto, tenor, and baritone voices.
  • The title track - a spacey song - features Matthews alone on electric guitar, while on the sensational ‘Stay Or Leave,’ he experiments with a baritone guitar.
  • Opera singer Cecilia Bartoli won female artist of the year, with best male artist going to the bass baritone Bryn Terfel.
  • Sitting on a low stool and cradling his beloved guitar he sang in a rich baritone a mixture of haunting ballads and cheery folk songs.
  • His voice, a deep baritone of startling beauty, awakened the girl from her lapse.
  • She's a strange one alright, a former New York street artist who discovered the baritone ukelele, remembered her old violin lessons, and cut an album, No Guts, No Gravy.
  • Sara slowly lowered herself onto the bench beside him as his baritone voice sang quiet and steady, the words mingling with the intensity of the meaning behind them.
  • From down the alley they could hear the high-pitched sound of a woman's voice, followed by the rich baritone of man.
  • I headed to the end of the hall, where all the saxophones had congregated, and saw three out of the four different types of saxophones; the baritone , tenor and alto.
  • Crey's voice was a deep baritone that struck her as slightly out of place coming from such a slender build of a man, but what shocked her more was the bow of his head in deference that accompanied his words.
  • ‘I played the baritone back in Glendale,’ I told him.
  • Bass baritone Donnie Ray Albert imbued each of the five sections with intense, dramatic power.
  • Everything is haunting, from Desmond Shea's baleful trumpet to Chris Mulhauser's baritone guitar, and low frequencies are well catered for.
  • The Organ must convince us that reverb-swollen dirges laced with heart-melting baritone vocals are a fresh dish in 2005.
  • Bob Efford offers an impressive baritone sax solo, and if you were curious, Joe Sample's the guy at the organ.
  • he sang in a rich baritone
  • he starred as a baritone
  • International bass baritone singing star Willard White has announced he is to be the patron of a North Yorkshire charity which provides support for special needs children.