chauffeur - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chauffeur in Hindi
- ड्राइवर
- चालक
- शोफर
- खानगी मोटर चालक
- मोटर ड्राइवर
- मोटर-चालक
chauffeur Definition
- drive (a car or a passenger in a car), typically as part of one's job. ( ड्राइव (एक कार या एक कार में एक यात्री), आमतौर पर किसी की नौकरी के हिस्से के रूप में। )
- a person employed to drive a private or rented automobile. ( एक व्यक्ति जो एक निजी या किराए पर ऑटोमोबाइल चलाता है। )
chauffeur Example
- I'm in the back, he's in the front and the chauffeur 's driving. ( मैं पीछे हूँ, वह सामने है और चाल्र्स ड्राइविंग है। )
- He was being driven by a chauffeur when the vehicle was stopped by traffic officers in Hertfordshire travelling at 97 mph. ( हर्टफोर्डशायर में ट्रैफिक अधिकारियों द्वारा वाहन को 97 मील प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से रोके जाने पर उसे चौपर से भगाया जा रहा था। )
- After the evening performance the night before, a chauffeur drove her from Bath to a suite at an airport hotel. ( एक दिन पहले शाम के प्रदर्शन के बाद, एक हवाई अड्डे के होटल में बाथटब से उसे एक सुइट में ले जाया गया। )
- A chauffeur was wanted to drive an art expert around galleries in Europe. ( यूरोप में गैलरियों के आसपास एक कला विशेषज्ञ को चलाने के लिए एक चौका देना चाहता था। )
More Sentence
- Why didn't you stay home today and take a swim in the pool or have a chauffeur drive you elsewhere?
- In golf a superstar is supposed to win major championships and be recognised even by people who don't know the difference between a driver and a chauffeur .
- It gave him his luxury apartment in Berlin, his chauffeur , bodyguard and private barber.
- He works as a chauffeur , driving wealthy vacationers all over Europe.
- He arranged to be taken by chauffeur driven limousine and the chauffeur was required to remain for the duration of the visit.
- The defendant employed a chauffeur , and on one occasion when he was attempting to start the car it caught fire.
- From there he became a chauffeur for a private estate, until his employer suffered a slump in fortune.
- The chauffeur , who drives 80,000 miles a year, managed to pull on to the hard shoulder and saw, in his rear view mirror, the teenagers scrambling up the bank.
- We had two maids and a chauffeur who used to drive us to Jaffa and Haifa for picnics on the weekend.
- When the town was completely out of sight, the chauffeur drove down a road which within only a few miles lost its metalled base and crumbled into rough cobbles.
- When we got to the end of the drive, the chauffeur got out and opened the door for us.
- At Chelsea there was a chauffeur to drive the directors around because of problems with parking.
- Chan plays a cab driver who is hired as a chauffeur to the head of a secret government spy unit.
- Julia watches as her chauffeur drives Morgan out of the estate and the limousine speeds away into the distance.
- He tells parents who spend hours chauffeuring teenagers to drive slowly and to take the scenic route when time permits.
- Most were employed by the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok as chauffeurs and gardeners.
- Owners Vivenne and Colin have chauffeured the canine connoisseurs to eight cottages in Pembrokeshire.
- They were chauffeured away immediately afterwards.
- One of his early jobs was chauffeuring Martin Scorsese for the duration of one Edinburgh Film Festival.
- He chauffeured her to her 9 a.m. appointment at Avalon Spa.
- ‘Of course, I was looking forward to chauffeuring my father in it,’ he recalls.
- On Thursday, you and I learn that we can't drive to school anymore, but we have to be chauffeured by the Secret Service.
- We couldn't believe how many kids were being chauffeured to school by their parents.
- Social scientists claim to have overturned the popular notion that modern children never walk because they are chauffeured everywhere by their parents.
- I'd just got back from a very damp and dismal trip to Taunton station, chauffeuring Graham to catch the train back to London, and I was feeling a little down.
- The men and women who chauffeured the athletes and dignitaries around the city would stop and talk to other drivers in the road and people on the streets.