eradicate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of eradicate in Hindi


  • जड़ से उखाड़ना
  • पूर्ण रूप से नाश करना
  • उन्मूलन करना
  • जड़ से मिटाना
  • मूलोच्छेदन करना
  • विनष्ट करना

eradicate Definition


  • destroy completely; put an end to.

eradicate Example

  • By the year 2000 the agency hopes to eradicate polio worldwide. ( वर्ष 2000 तक एजेंसी को दुनिया भर में पोलियो उन्मूलन की उम्मीद है। )
  • Any number of ways have been tried to eradicate the reptile. ( सरीसृप को मिटाने के लिए कई तरह के तरीके आजमाए गए हैं। )
  • We know now that the world is going to eradicate polio, ( अब हम जानते हैं कि दुनिया पोलियो को खत्म करने जा रही है, )
  • It's difficult to see eradicate in a sentence . ( एक वाक्य में उन्मूलन देखना मुश्किल है। )

More Sentence

  • But conventional sewage treatment often eradicates only 90 percent of viruses.
  • If we want to eradicate the growing problem of cheating in schools, parents and communities must get behind teachers.  
  • In an effort to eradicate the malicious gossip going around about the cheerleader, the PTA sponsored an anti-bullying forum.  
  • In the past we tried to eradicate their religion totally.
  • To eradicate the social evil, grow furious over the Chinese.
  • SOLDIER’s main duty after the War was to eradicate any.
  • The Witch had tried to use the Bees to eradicate the Fairies.
  • A turkey shoot isn't going to eradicate these things, Scott.
  • The cop's strident attitude seemed to eradicate into thin air.
  • You will only eradicate it when you have changed my preference.
  • In some countries doctors strive to eradicate death and disease.
  • Although we may never completely eradicate every disease on earth, it’s heartening to see the progress medicine has made on so many fronts.
  • The medflies have cost $ 20 million since May to eradicate.
  • International health officials had hoped to eradicate the disease by 1995.
  • Mechanical harvesters, however, are not intended to eradicate vegetation.
  • They keep coming back, despite constant efforts to eradicate them.
  • I want one thing _ to raise money and eradicate leukemia.