bandwagon - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bandwagon in Hindi
- गाड़ी में सवार
- फायदेमंद हाल
- लाभकारक हाल
- अंधानुकरण
bandwagon Definition
- a wagon used for carrying a band in a parade or procession. ( एक वैगन जिसका इस्तेमाल परेड या जुलूस में एक बैंड को ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है। )
- a particular activity or cause that has suddenly become fashionable or popular. ( एक विशेष गतिविधि या कारण जो अचानक फैशनेबल या लोकप्रिय हो गया है। )
bandwagon Example
- As the Culture Minister, he might have been expected to fight his corner for the arts, but no, he saw a speeding bandwagon and leapt aboard. ( संस्कृति मंत्री के रूप में, उन्हें कला के लिए अपने कोने से लड़ने की उम्मीद की जा सकती थी, लेकिन नहीं, उन्होंने एक तेज बैंडवाग और छलांग लगाई। )
- As always with the year drawing to a close I am debating whether or not to jump on the resolution bandwagon . ( हमेशा के लिए एक करीबी साल के साथ ड्राइंग मैं बहस कर रहा हूं कि क्या रिज़ॉल्यूशन बैंडवागन पर कूदना है या नहीं। )
- So a few weeks ago, way, way behind the bandwagon , I discovered the Norah Jones album. ( तो कुछ हफ्ते पहले, बैंडबाजे के पीछे रास्ता, मैंने नोरा जोन्स एल्बम की खोज की। )
- FOXY BROWN is the latest member of the hip hop contingent to jump on the fashion bandwagon . ( फॉक्स ब्राउन फैशन बैंडवाग पर कूदने के लिए हिप हॉप टुकड़ी का नवीनतम सदस्य है। )
- While others may be content to jump on the electroclash bandwagon , Tiga again proves to be an innovator. ( जबकि अन्य इलेक्ट्रोक्लेश बैंडवागन पर कूदने के लिए सामग्री हो सकते हैं, टीगा फिर से एक प्रर्वतक साबित होता है। )
- Any spectacle surrounding the Tyson bandwagon tends to display only the awesome power of money. ( टायसन बैंडवागन के आसपास कोई भी तमाशा केवल पैसे की भयानक शक्ति को प्रदर्शित करता है। )
More Sentence
- companies sought to strengthen their share prices by jumping on the dot-com bandwagon
- Our extended family got on the bandwagon , of course, and we all began making inquiries.
- There are a number of people jumping on the Scottish bandwagon and making things very depressing.
- While reluctant to jump on the celebrity bandwagon , Mansfield has been active in pursuing other ways to move his company forward.
- they would not climb aboard the bandwagon of every fashionable social issue
- In the short-term meanwhile, there are plans for a website, as Robertson jumps on the e-commerce bandwagon .
- The Buccaneers bandwagon is smoldering after an embarrassing loss in San Francisco.
- For some time I have wondered why it is only Hollywood, and not our own film industry, that is riding the Shakespeare bandwagon .
- Most of them have already hopped on the Linux bandwagon , largely by working with the likes of Linuxcare and Red Hat.
- the colourful bandwagon was later purchased for use in circus parades
- However, as soon as they have a steady income and begin to raise a family, they join the package-deal bandwagon or join guided tours.
- Hundreds of cities around the nation have climbed onto the sustainability bandwagon .
- When I spoke to Declan on Wednesday evening, he was in the processing of finalizing a deal for the new bandwagon .
- the local deejays are on the home-team bandwagon
- It is ironic that arts in education appears to be something of a political bandwagon .
- One thing Clinic could never be accused of is copying anyone's sound or jumping aboard the latest fashionable bandwagon .
- Apart from the integrated oil outfits, lots of other businesses are now climbing on board the environmental bandwagon .
- Sometimes, though, I don't always get on the bandwagon before it rolls out of the gate.
- He says a bit in his defence and then carries on on his bandwagon .
- Even as the bandwagon rolled over their son's grave, they honoured his memory by voicing nothing but calm compassion for his killer.
- It could also add enough momentum to finally bring New Labour's privatisation bandwagon to a grinding halt.
- But then, I suppose without any petrol, some smart lorry-driver might inform you, no bandwagons would get anywhere anyway.
- Perish the thought of jumping willy-nilly on to investment bandwagons or lavishing shareholders' funds on high-profile marketing campaigns.
- One man is out to derail the bandwagons in all three of the Festival's biggest races, however.