contraceptive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of contraceptive in Hindi

  • गर्भनिरोधक
  • गर्भ-निरोधक

contraceptive Definition


  • (of a method or device) serving to prevent pregnancy.


  • a device or drug serving to prevent pregnancy.

contraceptive Example

  • the contraceptive pill ( गर्भनिरोधक गोली )
  • Contraceptive methods enable the couples to space out their children. ( गर्भनिरोध के तरीके दंपतियों को अपने बच्चों को बाहर निकालने में मदद करते हैं। )
  • The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women. ( गर्भनिरोधक गोली के आविष्कार से महिलाओं के जीवन में गहरा बदलाव आया। )
  • All she could remember was entering that restroom at the drugs store with every intention of taking that contraceptive pill when she felt a piercing needle-like stab in the neck. ( उसे बस इतना याद था कि वह गर्भनिरोधक गोली लेने के हर इरादे से दवा की दुकान के उस टॉयलेट में प्रवेश कर रही थी, जब उसे गर्दन में सुई की तरह चुभने का अहसास हुआ। )
  • So we struck a bargain I wouldn’t use contraceptive and he wouldn’t try too hard to get me pregnant two years passed and he was getting worried when we discovered that I was pregnant. ( इसलिए हमने एक सौदा किया कि मैं गर्भनिरोधक का उपयोग नहीं करूंगी और वह मुझे दो साल के लिए गर्भवती कराने की बहुत कोशिश नहीं करेगा और जब हमें पता चला कि मैं गर्भवती हूं तो वह चिंतित हो रहा था। )

More Sentence

  • Some studies have found links between oral contraceptive use and decreased levels of ‘androgens’ (the class of hormones, including testosterone, that are thought to drive both male and female sexuality).
  • Marco shrugged with an ‘Oh well’ look on his face and attempted to leave her presence when he heard her voice hesitantly behind him, Okay—okay! Please drive me into town and lend me some money to buy the contraceptive!.
  • Since the FDA approved the birth control pill in 1960, there have been major advances in contraceptive choice, giving women the freedom to compare birth control pills and other methods of contraception to find a method that suits them.
  • Thus breastfeeding provides some contraceptive protection.
  • Uses Clinique cosmetics and Ortho contraceptive foam.
  • The contraceptive pill is also a contributing factor.
  • Fake contraceptive technology manipulates women in ways that we are coming to condemn when they are practised on members of other species.
  • Also referred to as "morning after contraception" or "the morning after pill," emergency contraception pills are taken immediately after sex or at anytime within five days following sexual intercourse.
  • The researchers were actually working on a mouse contraceptive vaccine for pest control, according to New Scientist.
  • After age thirty-five, contraceptive responsibility was considered a matter of mutual responsibility.
  • Use of the oral contraceptive pill was associated with a small increase in risk that was limited to current users.
  • About cons of abortions pill, facts about abortions pill, facts about abortions emergency contraception, forced abortions.
  • With today’s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.
  • These include celibacy, delayed marriage, contraception and abortion.
  • The law allows doctors to prescribe contraception to the under 16s.
  • These included coercion in the form of laws passed in 1920 and 1923 banning abortion and contraception.
  • coercion in the form of laws passed in 1920 and 1923 banning abortion and contraception.
  • Estrogen in the oral contraceptive combination pill causes the increasing of certain.
  • The oral contraceptive combination pill is defined as one type of birth control pill.
  • You should study all the adverse health risk associated with the contraceptive pills.
  • Study shows that oral contraceptive pill causes the atherosclerosis plaque build up in the.
  • Paul could not bring himself to overrule a recent predecessor, Pius XI, who had condemned contraception in 1931.
  • a book popularizing contraceptive knowledge