baby - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of baby in Hindi
- बच्चा
- शिशु
- मुन्ना
- छगन
- बच्चे का
- बालक
- छोटा बच्चा
baby Definition
- a very young child, especially one newly or recently born. ( एक बहुत छोटा बच्चा, विशेषकर एक नवजात या हाल ही में पैदा हुआ। )
- a young woman or a person with whom one is having a romantic relationship (often as a form of address). ( एक युवा महिला या एक व्यक्ति जिसके साथ एक रोमांटिक संबंध है (अक्सर पते के रूप में)। )
- comparatively small or immature of its kind. ( तुलनात्मक रूप से छोटा या अपनी तरह का अपरिपक्व। )
- treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective toward. ( एक बच्चे के रूप में इलाज (किसी); लाड़ प्यार या अतिरंजित होना। )
baby Example
- So fill in by serving baby carrots or sliced red or green peppers or cucumbers with light ranch dressing. ( तो बच्चे को गाजर या कटा हुआ लाल या हरी मिर्च या खीरे को हल्के रंच ड्रेसिंग के साथ परोसें। )
- That's not his everyday car, it's his baby . ( वह उसकी रोजमर्रा की कार नहीं है, वह उसका बच्चा है। )
- baby boy ( छोटा बच्चा )
- I personally would not do it, simply because my laptop is my baby . ( मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से ऐसा नहीं करूंगा, सिर्फ इसलिए कि मेरा लैपटॉप मेरा बच्चा है। )
- Maybe I shouldn't be such a baby about things, but I am upset with my doctor's office right now. ( हो सकता है कि मुझे चीजों के बारे में ऐसा बच्चा नहीं होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैं अभी अपने डॉक्टर के कार्यालय से परेशान हूं। )
- At this time of year garden centres have tray upon tray of baby vegetables all ready for planting out. ( वर्ष के इस समय बगीचे के केंद्रों में सभी सब्जियों की ट्रे पर ट्राई किया जाता है। )
- It's my baby so I don't really have any time for any other bands. ( यह मेरा बच्चा है इसलिए मुझे वास्तव में किसी भी अन्य बैंड के लिए समय नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- the baby elephant
- Good though it was, it was eclipsed by the fantastic tapering baby carrots on which it sat.
- Top and tail the green beans, peel the baby onions or cut the spring onion into 2.5cm pieces.
- don't be such a baby!
- Here, Washoe was no longer the baby of the family but was now living with chimpanzees a few years younger than herself.
- Looking for a used grand or baby grand piano?
- Not the display case where you can buy fake nose rings and baby tees and mini glowsticks to roll around on your tongue.
- The Range Rover badge carries with it a lot of prestige and, while this is the baby of the family, it's still more desirable than anything from Japan.
- Sometimes with deals like this, you are punished with minute servings, but the bowl was full of juicy baby mushrooms.
- If you want to be veggie, go for the selection of baby vegetables with garlic flavoured tomato concentrate.
- Sharon was the baby of the family.
- Lydia didn't even want a baby ; boy or girl, name or no name, what did it matter to her?
- The goal in this case is to return a Neanderthal baby to his family.
- I'll be back in a bit, baby
- I do love you baby .
- Stop being such a baby .
- she had a baby
- Courgettes are actually baby marrows, just picked earlier from the plant.
- Nesbitt was the baby of the family growing up in Antrim.
- Kevin hopes to have the baby of the family, the gallant John Joe, groomed for the next event.
- Still, for the baby of the family, most people prefer the cleanliness and purity of white.
- In a pan of boiling water cook the baby potatoes for 10-12 mins until cooked through.
- Lunch could be salmon fillet with orange couscous and baby carrots.