attain - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of attain in Hindi
- प्राप्त
- प्राप्त करना
- पहुंचना
- सिद्ध कर लेना
- पहुँचना
- सिद्ध करना
- लाभ करना
attain Definition
- succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for). ( प्राप्त करने में सफल (कुछ है कि एक इच्छाओं और के लिए काम किया है)। )
attain Example
- Common mistakes made by novices include underestimating the size that trees will attain . ( नौसिखियों द्वारा की जाने वाली सामान्य गलतियों में उस आकार को कम करके आंका जाना है जो पेड़ प्राप्त करेंगे। )
- What is it about cancer and other illnesses that pushes us sufferers on to attain goals and achieve tasks? ( यह कैंसर और अन्य बीमारियों के बारे में क्या है जो हमें लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने और कार्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए पीड़ित करता है। )
- dolphins can attain speeds in water which man cannot yet emulate ( डॉल्फिन पानी में गति प्राप्त कर सकती है जो कि आदमी अभी तक अनुकरण नहीं कर सकता है )
- Parents should realise these are real cars that attain high speeds on the enclosed track. ( माता-पिता को यह महसूस करना चाहिए कि ये वास्तविक कारें हैं जो संलग्न ट्रैक पर उच्च गति प्राप्त करती हैं। )
- Undeniably focusing on their careers led them to attain a high level of artistic achievement. ( निस्संदेह अपने करियर पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने से उन्हें उच्च स्तर की कलात्मक उपलब्धि प्राप्त हुई। )
More Sentence
- The reality sinks in when they attain puberty by which time they are told they have no choice.
- These awesome monsters need to attain wind speeds of 75 mph before they become a full hurricane.
- The fact is, the reformists have failed to attain any tangible achievement.
- Depending on the depth of the water in which the tsunami is traveling, it may attain speeds of up to 500 miles an hour.
- It is a very basic thing that one cannot attain happiness by making others unhappy.
- The animals attain sexual maturity in two to three years and the breeding season is throughout the year.
- One in ten children die before they attain the age of five years, adds the report.
- We believe that our prayers can assist our loved ones to attain eternal happiness.
- dolphins can attain remarkable speeds in water
- It is a humanist vision that in every culture people can attain freedom and enable all to achieve their potential in their own chosen way.
- And perseverance is the name of the game for one to attain success and happiness.
- human beings can attain happiness
- Wasn't his perception of happiness and how to attain it desperately marred?
- The degree to which higher education is emphasized is relative to its attainability and usefulness.
- Achievements attained by a person were also considered to honour the whole family.
- No one should be allowed to disrupt the democratic achievements so far attained .
- For example, losing 20 pounds in three months is a realistic and attainable goal.
- You may judge for yourself the degree to which I've succeeded in attaining that goal.
- And it seems that the Secretary of State has fully succeeded in attaining his objective.
- The court does not have to enter upon the attainability of that purpose.
- It should be said straightaway that they have succeeded admirably in attaining their goal.
- They still believe in the attainability of an ideal world.
- Last year, I read about some new research that said a human being attains full maturity or adulthood only at the age of 35!
- This superior wisdom is only attainable through the practice of meditation.
- Corallites attaining a certain size, although variable in diameter, may reproduce again.