asthmatic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of asthmatic in Hindi

  • दमे का रोगी
  • दमा-संबंधी
  • श्वास रोग संबंधी
  • दमा का रोगी

asthmatic Definition


  • a person who suffers from asthma. ( एक व्यक्ति जो अस्थमा से पीड़ित है। )


  • relating to or suffering from asthma. ( अस्थमा से संबंधित या पीड़ित। )

asthmatic Example

  • Our subjects are typical examples of asthmatic patients requesting medical assistance in an urban emergency center. ( हमारे विषय एक शहरी आपातकालीन केंद्र में चिकित्सा सहायता का अनुरोध करने वाले दमा रोगियों के विशिष्ट उदाहरण हैं। )
  • Some asthmatic patients perceive the severity of their disease rather poorly. ( कुछ दमा के रोगी अपनी बीमारी की गंभीरता को खराब समझते हैं। )
  • In our study, pupils who attended schools that had new ventilation systems reported fewer asthmatic symptoms. ( हमारे अध्ययन में, नए वेंटिलेशन सिस्टम वाले स्कूलों में भाग लेने वाले विद्यार्थियों ने कम दमा के लक्षणों की सूचना दी। )
  • Up to 80 per cent of asthmatic children have allergic rhinitis. ( 80 प्रतिशत तक अस्थमा के बच्चों को एलर्जिक राइनाइटिस होता है। )
  • The first measurement occurred in winter, and 77 asthmatic children were selected. ( सर्दियों में पहला माप हुआ, और 77 दमा बच्चों को चुना गया। )
  • Immunisation with the influenza vaccine is recommended for asthmatic people. ( 
    इन्फ्लूएंजा के टीके के साथ टीकाकरण की सिफारिश दमा के लोगों के लिए की जाती है। )
  • Children with documented cat allergy or with asthmatic symptoms triggered by a cat should avoid cats. ( प्रलेखित बिल्ली एलर्जी वाले बच्चों या एक बिल्ली द्वारा ट्रिगर किए गए दमा के लक्षणों के साथ, बिल्लियों से बचना चाहिए। )
  • We investigated whether weight loss affects lung function, morbidity, symptoms, or health status in obese asthmatic people. ( हमने जांच की कि क्या वजन घटाने से फेफड़े की कार्यक्षमता, रुग्णता, लक्षण, या मोटे अस्थमा वाले लोगों में स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति प्रभावित होती है। )

More Sentence

  • An increase in emergency room visits of asthmatic patients was shown in the reports of an urban warehouse fire and the 1987 bush fire in California.
  • Consecutive adult asthmatic subjects admitted to hospital for asthma were studied.
  • More children who lived in urban communities tended to develop asthmatic symptoms than those who lived in rural communities.
  • Although asthma and obesity may not be causally related, the high prevalence of obesity results in many asthmatic patients being obese.
  • Students were diagnosed with asthma if both questionnaires confirmed the presence of asthmatic symptoms.
  • Little is known about the influence of sleep on persistent wheeze in asthmatic patients.
  • Exposure to passive smoke is a cause of lung cancer and heart disease and causes respiratory illness and asthmatic attacks.
  • This type of testing may show asthmatic changes in the lungs.
  • It's quite important for asthmatic women to have an asthma action plan specifically tailor-made for their pregnancy.
  • If dysfunctional breathing is as common as our data show, facilities for breathing retraining need to be available as part of the overall management of asthmatic patients.
  • It is impossible to tell which staff members have begun their sensitization and who already has the potential for an anaphylactic or asthmatic reaction.
  • We selected a group of asthmatic patients in two neighbouring counties who had variable asthma so we could measure change.
  • Despite the increased risk they run, fewer than 20 per cent of asthmatics are vaccinated against the flu.
  • He first swallowed, and then began to gasp asthmatically .
  • At the beginning of the study, medical questionnaires revealed that three subjects had been asthmatics during their childhood.
  • Given the large number of children who reported other respiratory symptoms, it is likely that some were undiagnosed asthmatics .
  • 'You know, the future of this country lies in this railway's reconstruction,' says a local teacher, as the train pulls asthmatically into Lobito.
  • Continued smoking by adult asthmatics is the likely cause of irreversibility of airway obstruction and development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • There were only a few individuals who claimed they were asthmatics .
  • As a result of these symptoms, asthmatics may not tolerate exertion.
  • Blanc found that 15% of American adult asthmatics reported that their asthma was worse at work.
  • Mark blew his nose vigorously, coughed asthmatically , and held out his hand.