Exempted - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of Exempted in Hindi

  • छूट प्राप्त
  •  मुक्त किया गया

Exempted Definition

  • free (a person or organization) from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

Exempted Example

  • Women are exempted in many councils. ( कई परिषदों में महिलाओं को छूट दी गई है। )
  • I mean, you were exempted from the draft. ( मेरा मतलब है, आपको मसौदे से छूट दी गई थी। )
  • Will children be exempted from paying the fee? ( क्या बच्चों को शुल्क देने से छूट दी जाएगी? )
  • He was sure that I would be exempted at once. ( उसे यकीन था कि मुझे एक ही बार में छूट मिल जाएगी। )
  • The three guests exempted the hosts and rolled. ( तीनों मेहमानों ने यजमानों को छूट दी और लुढ़क गए। )
  • I sincerely hope that they are not to be so exempted. ( मुझे पूरी उम्मीद है कि उन्हें इतनी छूट नहीं दी जाएगी। )
  • Why should shops and office blocks be exempted? ( दुकानों और कार्यालय ब्लॉकों को छूट क्यों दी जानी चाहिए? )
  • I am not asking that that should be exempted from tax. ( मैं यह नहीं कह रहा हूं कि इसे कर से छूट दी जानी चाहिए। )
  • No description of estate or tenure has been exempted. ( संपत्ति या कार्यकाल के किसी भी विवरण को छूट नहीं दी गई है। )

More Sentences

  • Certain classes of buildings are to be exempted entirely. 
  • As always, the cellists are exempted from this consideration. 
  • There is a strong case for exempting the disabled from the tax. 
  • They will be wholly exempted from paying development charge. 
  • What kinds of real estate are exempted from taxation, and why?
  • Nobody could possibly be exempted except for very special reasons. 
  • Their status as classics exempted them from more exacting scrutiny. 
  • The only class he exempted from the tax were the clergy and the serfs.
  • Secondly, fricatives must be exceptionally exempted from being fully nasalized. 
  • Needs and social justice: the criterion of needs when exempting employees from layoff. 
  • We exempted even from obtaining a license every producer with less than thirty-five hens.