aspirin - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aspirin in Hindi

  • एस्पिरिन
  • सिरक विटपिन
  • पीड़ा-निवारक और ज्‍वर-प्रशामक ओषधि
  • पीड़ा-नाशक एक औषधि

aspirin Definition

  • a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation. ( एक सिंथेटिक यौगिक ने हल्के या पुराने दर्द को दूर करने और बुखार और सूजन को कम करने के लिए औषधीय रूप से उपयोग किया। )

aspirin Example

  • In the story of aspirin , politics and medicine are heavily intertwined. ( एस्पिरिन की कहानी में, राजनीति और चिकित्सा का बहुत अधिक अंतर है। )
  • Evidence is growing that regular aspirin may reduce cancer and dementia as well as vascular events. ( साक्ष्य बढ़ रहा है कि नियमित एस्पिरिन कैंसर और मनोभ्रंश के साथ-साथ संवहनी घटनाओं को कम कर सकता है। )
  • Some patients' choices between using aspirin or a statin may depend on cost as well as their perceived risks of adverse effects. ( एस्पिरिन या स्टैटिन का उपयोग करने के बीच कुछ रोगियों की पसंद लागत पर निर्भर करती है और साथ ही उनके प्रतिकूल प्रभावों के जोखिमों पर भी निर्भर करती है। )
  • My stomach is way too sensitive to take aspirin , ibuprofen or other arthritis pills. ( मेरा पेट एस्पिरिन, इबुप्रोफेन या अन्य गठिया की गोलियां लेने के लिए बहुत संवेदनशील है। )
  • she made herself some tea and took some aspirin ( उसने खुद कुछ चाय बनाई और कुछ एस्पिरिन ली )
  • The oldest arthritis medicine, aspirin , may turn out to be the unsung hero after all. ( सबसे पुरानी गठिया दवा, एस्पिरिन, सभी के बाद अनसंग नायक बन सकती है। )
  • Initial drug treatment should include aspirin , a blocker, and a nitrate. ( प्रारंभिक दवा उपचार में एस्पिरिन, एक अवरोधक और एक नाइट्रेट शामिल होना चाहिए। )
  • A new study suggests aspirin may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. ( एक नए अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि एस्पिरिन प्रोस्टेट कैंसर के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है। )
  • Ask any medical student and he or she will tell you that aspirin reduces fever, pain, and inflammation but may cause ulcers. ( किसी भी मेडिकल छात्र से पूछें और वह आपको बताएगा कि एस्पिरिन बुखार, दर्द और सूजन को कम करता है लेकिन अल्सर का कारण हो सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • Recent studies show that ibuprofen interferes with the effect of aspirin on platelet aggregation.
  • Talk to your doctor about whether aspirin would help reduce your risk of a heart attack.
  • Many believe that, even if aspirin is not effective, it is safe.
  • The research supports earlier studies showing that ibuprofen can interfere with aspirin 's effects.
  • Instead, place them inside an airtight bag, and put in a crushed aspirin to absorb the odor.
  • He competed anyway, wrapping the ankle in tape and popping aspirin to stifle the pain.
  • Call your pharmacist or doctor if you do not know if the medicine has aspirin in it.
  • Previous studies have suggested that aspirin reduces the number of cases of oesophageal cancer.
  • Soluble aspirin - a sore throat that is very inflamed can be treated with a gargle of soluble aspirin dissolved in a glass of water.
  • Optimal control of diabetes is important, and simple analgesics such as aspirin and paracetamol may be beneficial.
  • Ginger is a good alternative to aspirin to relieve minor aches and pains
  • Both aspirin and warfarin reduce the risk of blood clots that can cause stroke.
  • For children, paracetamol is better than aspirin , which doctors do not recommend.
  • If he were back home, his mom would rub his tummy and give him an aspirin to calm his nerves.
  • For adults, paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen can help to relieve fever and pain.
  • Regular use of aspirin or certain other pain relievers can irritate your stomach.
  • Compare that with how much you might otherwise spend on health care benefits, and you'll probably just take two aspirins and sign up.
  • But I still don't believe that you're stupid enough to chuck down five aspirins at once.
  • They must have needed the aspirins after five hours of that.
  • I took two aspirins , and monitored my pulse and blood pressure until the readings returned to normal about ten minutes later.
  • I need to take five or six aspirins just to get rid of a headache.