bevel - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bevel in Hindi
- झुकना
- झुकाव
- झुका हुआ
- प्रवण पार्श्व
- प्रवण-चक्र
- प्रवणता
- कटाव
- गुनिया
bevel Definition
- reduce (a square edge on an object) to a sloping edge. ( घटाना (किसी वस्तु पर एक चौकोर धार) एक ढलान धार के लिए। )
- a slope from the horizontal or vertical in carpentry and stonework; a sloping surface or edge. ( बढ़ईगीरी और स्टोनवर्क में क्षैतिज या ऊर्ध्वाधर से एक ढलान; ढलान वाली सतह या किनारा। )
bevel Example
- Angle the blade against the stone until you think you're contacting the edge bevel , then push the blade lightly along as if you were trying to slice off a paper-thin wafer of stone. ( जब तक आप सोचते हैं कि आप किनारे से संपर्क कर रहे हैं, तब तक ब्लेड को कोण पर रखें, फिर ब्लेड को हल्के से धक्का दें जैसे कि आप पत्थर के कागज-पतले वेफर को बंद करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे। )
- Lacking a buffer, you can use a fine diamond stone on that back side, just be sure to leave the surface flat - don't induce a bevel or you'll dull the points of the serrations. ( एक बफर को कम करके, आप उस बैक साइड पर एक ठीक हीरे के पत्थर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, बस सतह को सपाट छोड़ना सुनिश्चित करें - एक बेवल को प्रेरित न करें या आप सेरेशंस के बिंदुओं को सुस्त कर देंगे। )
- The older picture showed an aluminium-hued casing with rounded corners and a screen bevel sloping away to the edge of the unit. ( पुरानी तस्वीर में गोल कोनों के साथ एक एल्यूमीनियम-छुपा हुआ आवरण दिखाया गया है और एक स्क्रीन बेवल को इकाई के किनारे पर ढलान से दूर है। )
- You must cut the board at a 10-to 15-degree bevel so you can insert the groove over the last tongue and pivot the other edge of it into place without damaging the adjacent wall. ( आपको बोर्ड को 10 से 15 डिग्री के बेवल पर काटना होगा ताकि आप पिछली जीभ पर नाली डाल सकें और बगल की दीवार को नुकसान पहुंचाए बिना इसके दूसरे किनारे को अंदर कर सकें। )
- For a real contrast, the bevel can even be done in a different material altogether, such as wood strips or even thin strips of brass. ( एक वास्तविक विपरीत के लिए, बेवल को पूरी तरह से एक अलग सामग्री में भी किया जा सकता है, जैसे कि लकड़ी की स्ट्रिप्स या पीतल की पतली स्ट्रिप्स। )
- Push toward and diagonally across the sharp edge, maintaining the factory bevel . ( फैक्ट्री बेवल को बनाए रखते हुए, तेज किनारे पर तिरछे और तिरछे पुश करें। )
- Where the skirting board butts up against a doorframe, check that the angle is true and, if not, use a sliding bevel to measure the angle of the cut and mark on the board. ( जहां स्कीरिंग बोर्ड एक डोरफ्रेम के खिलाफ बट्स करता है, जांच लें कि कोण सही है और यदि नहीं, तो बोर्ड पर कट और मार्क को मापने के लिए स्लाइडिंग बेवल का उपयोग करें। )
More Sentence
- Sharpen pruner blades by swiping them over the whetstone in a curved motion, trying to maintain their original bevel .
- If the frame has a complete rim surrounding the lens, a bevel , or ridge, is cut along the edge of the lens that will fit into a groove in the frame; otherwise, the edge is left flat.
- Measure carefully, taking into account the bevel on the bottom sash, and you should be able to trim the new sash to fit the old frame.
- Perhaps the simplest form of edging is to take a shovel and bevel and edge all around the garden.
- They should be trimmed to 4-5 inches wide with a 35-degree bevel on one edge.
- Standard redwood patterns include: tongue & groove, bevel, rabbeted bevel , shiplap, channel shiplap and V shiplap.
- Specifically, if the tip edge is catching, and your ski is tuned flat, it can be that the edge is too sharp up toward the tip, or you don't have enough edge bevel .
- When only the face of the object shows, make your cut at a slight back bevel , so the edge that shows makes contact before the back edge, which does not show.
- The cut side without the bevel and flange must rest on the wall molding.
- But the edge can also be a curve, ogee, or a simple bevel .
- Hedge shears, like bypass pruners, also work like scissors; the cutting blade is beveled on the inside edge.
- Flat cones are used for sites where treatment areas are predominantly flat, and beveled cones are used to treat areas that present themselves at an angle.
- The trail is composed of four belts: a smooth double furrow in the middle and gently sloped convex outer lateral bevels on both sides, with relatively rough surface.
- Shovels, spades, hoes, and trowels are usually sold with roughly beveled edges.
- Planes are for removing very thin layers of wood, for trimming and smoothing, for straightening edges or beveling them, and even for adding a groove.
- Pads should have beveled edges and a curled rear edge.
- Cut 45 degree bevels on the front corners of the molding, measuring carefully.
- The ejection port is beveled at both the front and rear, not just the side, to give adequate clearance to ejecting brass.
- Each of these pieces is a plate-thin, gracefully curving slab of porcelain, about a foot wide and 3 feet long, with sharply beveled edges, resting horizontally on a squat wooden support.
- Mirrors, which started out as simple and functional, became a hot trend in decorating when manufacturers added sandblasted and beveled characteristics.
- He states that early Chinese plane blades were sharpened with two bevels , the front bevel requiring a lower iron mounting angle.
- a very small 45° bevel is ground on the top surface
- The process involves mounting a poster to a fiberboard, overlaminating it with a clear finish and beveling the edge with a colored foil.