argue - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of argue in Hindi
- लोगों का तर्क है
- तर्क करना
- उलझ जाना
- वाद करना
argue Definition
- give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view. ( एक विचार, कार्रवाई या सिद्धांत के समर्थन में कारण या उद्धरण प्रमाण दें, आमतौर पर किसी के विचार साझा करने के लिए दूसरों को राजी करने के उद्देश्य से। )
- exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way. ( आम तौर पर गर्म या क्रोधित तरीके से विनिमय या विपरीत विचारों या विपरीत विचारों को व्यक्त करते हैं। )
argue Example
- Some would argue that he should get his affairs as they currently stand in order. ( कुछ लोग तर्क देंगे कि उन्हें अपने मामले प्राप्त करने चाहिए क्योंकि वे वर्तमान में खड़े हैं। )
- It's hard to argue with any event that ends up with the best players in the world in the top positions. ( शीर्ष पदों पर दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ खिलाड़ियों के साथ समाप्त होने वाली किसी भी घटना के साथ बहस करना मुश्किल है। )
- I wasn't going to argue with a gun ( मैं बंदूक से बहस करने वाला नहीं था )
- Instead, he is dangling before its recipients a lump sum that is difficult to argue with. ( इसके बजाय, वह अपने एकमुश्त राशि प्राप्त करने से पहले झूल रहा है जिसके साथ बहस करना मुश्किल है। )
- Certainly I don't argue with the people who say that by and large nobody ever watches it. ( निश्चित रूप से मैं उन लोगों के साथ बहस नहीं करता जो कहते हैं कि बड़े और कोई भी इसे कभी नहीं देखता है। )
- to argue the point with sb ( इस बिंदु को sb के साथ बहस करने के लिए )
- I tried to argue him out of it ( मैंने उससे बहस करने की कोशिश की )
- He did not object and left, but the court was told the defendant started to argue with another man about it. ( उसने आपत्ति नहीं की और छोड़ दिया, लेकिन अदालत को बताया गया कि प्रतिवादी ने किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ इसके बारे में बहस करना शुरू कर दिया। )
- Some argue that this blurring of the boundary between our work and private lives need not be a bad thing. ( कुछ लोगों का तर्क है कि हमारे काम और निजी जीवन के बीच की सीमा का यह धुंधला होना कोई बुरी बात नहीं है। )
More Sentence
- However the water authorities argue that it would be unfair to the rest of their customers.
- Some even argue that turning away work makes you seem even more employable to a client!
- Some might argue that they are currently at the top of their game but facing great challenges.
- Several writers argue that, when we are moved by this idea, our aim is to achieve equality.
- sociologists argue that inequalities in industrial societies are being reduced
- Cynics will argue that the new rules are another way artificially to manipulate the sport.
- Economists would now argue that this is no less justified than the labour theory of value.
- he's able to argue his way out of anything
- He got his telescope and set it up and he watched Juliet argue with her parents in the front room.
- He couldn't argue with that, seeing as he was the one who wrote the cursed things in the first place.
- Optimists argue that companies are awash with cash and their balance sheets are strong.
- The firms argue that all they did was agree to buy shares in each other's companies.
- Some argue that boxing has a lower death rate per year from acute injury than other sports.
- Supporters argue that wind farms are a small price to pay for saving the planet.
- defense attorneys argue that the police lacked “probable cause” to arrest the driver
- Right now he was exhausted and couldn't be bothered to hear her voice and argue with her.
- Jessica even started to argue with the people who so adamantly disliked my slideshow.
- to argue with sb about sth
- Many now argue that the reporter is needed to provoke engagement with the viewer.
- The locals were incensed and came out of their homes to argue with the soldiers.
- We argue that their claim is built on a confusion and lacks a deep physical model.