deplorable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deplorable in Hindi
- खेदजनक
- खेदजनक
- शोचनीय
- बुरा
- दर्दनाक
- विफल
- खोटा
- दु:खद
- दुखजनक
deplorable Definition
- deserving strong condemnation.
deplorable Example
- Her spelling was deplorable ( उसकी वर्तनी निंदनीय थी )
- John’s deplorable behavior is going to get him arrested one day. ( जॉन का यह घिनौना व्यवहार उसे एक दिन गिरफ्तार करवाएगा। )
- When I saw the pictures of the dead women and children, I could think of no reason for such a deplorable act. ( जब मैंने मृत महिलाओं और बच्चों की तस्वीरें देखीं, तो मुझे इस तरह के निंदनीय कृत्य का कोई कारण नहीं सूझ रहा था। )
- I can’t believe you are trying to sell me a car in such a deplorable condition! ( मुझे विश्वास नहीं हो रहा है कि आप मुझे इतनी दयनीय स्थिति में कार बेचने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं! )
- In my small town, police corruption is deplorable and should be addressed by state investigators. ( मेरे छोटे से शहर में, पुलिस भ्रष्टाचार निंदनीय है और इसे राज्य के जांचकर्ताओं द्वारा संबोधित किया जाना चाहिए। )
More Sentence
- Hopefully the city will fix these deplorable potholes soon.
- "The incident was deplorable, " she said.
- These houses were in a deplorable condition.
- It is in a deplorable condition.
- It is a deplorable condition of affairs.
- A perfectly deplorable condition already exists.
- They usually arrive in a deplorable condition.
- Much of the sculpture that stayed put is in deplorable condition.
- Calling the Logan ouster a " deplorable act,"
- I can't understand Danny's deplorable eating habits.
- To spend this amount of time on this is just deplorable.
- But his notions of female intelligence were deplorable, if commonplace.
- His style can be deplorable to some, lovable for others.
- Conditions are particularly deplorable at one Albanian camp, Parmer said.
- During the winter storm, the road conditions were so deplorable school was cancelled for a week.
- I can think of nothing more deplorable than a parent who abuses his child.
- Because Bobby’s test scores are deplorable, he is not going to the football game on Saturday night.
- And he looks so abominably contented with himself and his deplorable performance.
- Westerns the deplorable condition of the heathen among whom they are labouring.
- Indeed there were those who considered that this journal made a deplorable exhibition of itself.
- But something has decidedly happened which has averted that deplorable calamity.
- This is the altogether deplorable notion of jocularity which he only too often exhibits.
- Posterity will cry shame on us if we do not remedy this deplorable state of things.
- It is made of coarse cotton and was in a most deplorable condition when he came home.
- The documentary exposes the deplorable acts of cruelty inflicted upon minorities before the equality laws were passed.
- Although the teacher did not expect her students to do well on the exam, she was not prepared for such deplorable test scores.
- the deplorable conditions in which most prisoners are held