analyst - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of analyst in Hindi

  • विश्लेषक

analyst Definition

  • a person who conducts analysis. ( एक व्यक्ति जो विश्लेषण करता है। )
  • a psychoanalyst. ( एक मनोविश्लेषक। )

analyst Example

  • The tool the analyst needs is her psychoanalytically trained selfhood to access the selfhood of the other. ( विश्लेषक को जिस उपकरण की आवश्यकता होती है, वह दूसरे के स्वार्थ को प्राप्त करने के लिए उसका मनोविश्लेषणात्मक रूप से प्रशिक्षित स्वार्थ है। )
  • A Radicati analyst posted responses to the criticisms under a pseudonym. ( एक रैडिसिटी विश्लेषक ने एक छद्म नाम के तहत आलोचनाओं के जवाब दिए। )
  • Hong Kong Disneyland is also recruiting for a business systems analyst, a tax analyst and a duty engineer for the Disneyland hotel. ( हांगकांग डिज़नीलैंड एक व्यावसायिक प्रणाली विश्लेषक, एक कर विश्लेषक और डिज़नीलैंड होटल के लिए एक ड्यूटी इंजीनियर के लिए भी भर्ती कर रहा है। )
  • Since the analysand comes to the analyst because of pain, the role of the psychoanalyst in my book is naturally the relief of that pain. ( चूँकि दर्द की वजह से विश्लेषक आते हैं, मेरी किताब में मनोविश्लेषक की भूमिका स्वाभाविक रूप से उस दर्द से राहत देने वाली है। )
  • Not only does one have to be concerned about individual analytic tools, but one also has to factor in the psychology of the individual analyst . ( न केवल किसी को व्यक्तिगत विश्लेषणात्मक उपकरणों के बारे में चिंतित होना पड़ता है, बल्कि एक व्यक्ति के व्यक्तिगत विश्लेषक के मनोविज्ञान में भी कारक होता है। )

More Sentence

  • They then feel that when they interpret out of a greater receptivity to this, there is more conviction for the analyst and for the analysand.
  • John L. Keane is an environmental analyst for a large public power and water system in the Phoenix area.
  • Proposals have been unveiled which are designed to improve the standard and conduct of analysts .
  • There have been many answers given by various analysts and writers.
  • The implicit view in recent comments by analysts is that industry will remain under severe pressure as global competition hots up.
  • The first time many Pembrokeshire farmers knew a pipeline might be crossing their land was when surveyors and analysts turned up unannounced.
  • Brooking, 55, already an MBE, is one of the most respected analysts and commentators on the game.
  • You know it was an oral debriefing so you have CIA analysts who might have interpreted it in different ways.
  • It's brief statement Tuesday was closely scrutinized by analysts , who said they were surprised by its mild tone.
  • You are amongst the most experienced and talented political observers and analysts as well as governor.
  • The analysts and critics have all been outputting their views as to the reason why the West Indies came out of the game with such distinction.
  • The contempt that some analysts show towards other approaches to psychotherapy is inappropriate.
  • Private security analysts observe the mansion is still very vulnerable to attack in a country awash with guns.
  • The protests, the criticism by analysts and the outright opposition by many students to the new fuel price policy were expected.
  • Were the finals drawing the attention of writers and analysts ?
  • The media and various analysts usually only comment on problems that are being talked about by the President or her aides.
  • The claims of seemingly legitimate analysts posting commentary online could not be ignored
  • That would really test what analysis and analysts are worth.
  • But the scheme, when it was announced in the early part of the year, drew immediate criticism from analysts .
  • There are many reasons why most journalists, analysts , TV pundits and even the pollsters got it so wrong.