anaesthetize - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anaesthetize in Hindi

  • चतनाशून्य करना
  • बेहोश करना
  • संज्ञाहीन करना
  • सुन्न कर देना
  • चेतना शून्य करना
  • चतनाशून्य करना

anaesthetize Definition

  • administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness. ( के लिए एक संवेदनाहारी (एक व्यक्ति या जानवर) को प्रशासित करें, खासकर चेतना के नुकसान को प्रेरित करने के लिए। )
  • deprive of feeling or awareness. ( भावना या जागरूकता से वंचित। )

anaesthetize Example

  • In the early 1940s, it became customary to anaesthetize patients with barbiturate injections. ( 1940 के दशक की शुरुआत में, यह बार्बिट्यूरेट इंजेक्शन वाले रोगियों को एनेस्थेटाइज़ करने के लिए प्रथागत हो गया। )
  • I was called to Casualty to anaesthetize a patient ( मुझे एक मरीज को बेहोश करने के लिए कैजुअल्टी में बुलाया गया था )
  • After the anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient, the circulating nurse places the robot's arms at the side of the patient's thorax below the midaxillary line. ( एनेस्थीसिया केयर प्रोवाइडर मरीज को एनेस्थेटाइज करने के बाद सर्कुलेटिंग नर्स मरीज के वक्ष के मध्य में रोबोट की बाहों को मिडैक्सिलरी लाइन के नीचे रखता है। )
  • Also, for many years he anaesthetised patients for consultant colleagues at Wincanton Memorial Hospital. ( इसके अलावा, कई वर्षों तक उन्होंने विन्कंटन मेमोरियल अस्पताल में सलाहकार सहयोगियों के लिए रोगियों को संवेदनाहारी किया। )

More Sentence

  • The patient is then anesthetized in the usual fashion and double lumen intubation is performed.
  • One is to anesthetize your throat and the other is to anesthetize your mind.
  • The new technology will anesthetize the public conscience along with the condemned man.
  • After anesthetization with 2-5% isofluorane, the sterilized anchor was inserted through the skin at the intersection of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, dorsally between the shoulder blades.
  • You may be particularly vulnerable to anesthetization at the moment.
  • One small OR that was located away from traffic was for ‘special, private cases,’ and an adjacent room was used to anesthetize the patient.
  • In these cases, we would stimulate the nerve or the ear preoperatively by anesthetizing the ear and then through the ear drum place an electrode onto the inner ear to determine if the patient could hear the sound.
  • He returned to the theme of language as an obscurer of reality, saying that American leaders use it to anesthetize the public.
  • He anaesthetised all thoracic and cardiac patients almost singlehandedly for the next few years and introduced surface hypothermia in 1956.
  • The audience learns early on that he wanders the hospital at night, anaesthetises female patients in their sleep and interferes with them.
  • A 12-year-old boy said, ‘I am frightened by the chances of being paralyzed by the anesthetization , or not waking up from it at all.’
  • After anesthetizing and intubating the patient, the anesthesia care provider inserts an arterial line, a central line, and an oral gastric tube.
  • They adapted a machine to check how deeply patients are anaesthetised before surgery.
  • He immediately administered medication to anesthetize the patient and proceeded to intubate the patient.
  • The patient was anaesthetised using acupuncture.
  • Coordinating permission to remove the restraints from a patient who has been anesthetized should occur before the procedure is ready to begin.
  • Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.
  • The father's sleep is suspiciously profound, more suggestive of anesthetization or coma than restorative repose.
  • The anesthesia care provider then anesthetizes and intubates the patient, after which the surgeon performs prethoracotomy bronchoscopy.
  • Feeling as though her mind had been anesthetized , she drifted off into an uneasy half sleep, hazily staring off into space and not noticing when her mother called her for dinner.
  • The doctor was charged with manslaughter, and the prosecution alleged that he had intended, by himself, to anaesthetise the patient with methohexitone.
  • The anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient using a balanced technique of IV induction and inhalation maintenance.
  • The government is thus able to anesthetize the public to tolerate - and indeed expect - decisions that are made without regard to right or wrong, but solely on the basis of the relative political influence of rent seekers and property owners.
  • He was called on to anaesthetise many eminent patients, who became donors to the medical school.
  • In a few hours, his new assistant from the university, whom he had recruited to handle the monkey anesthetization as well as any lifting or dragging, would be coming by to go over the checklist.
  • The anesthesia care provider either anesthetizes the patient using an endotracheal tube and general anesthesia or places an epidural catheter and administers a regional anesthetic.