doughnut - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of doughnut in Hindi

  • डोनट

doughnut Definition


  • a small fried cake of sweetened dough, typically in the shape of a ball or ring.

doughnut Example

  • After a stroll up town for coffee and a doughnut, I felt it was late enough to try Quinn in California. ( कॉफी और डोनट के लिए शहर में घूमने के बाद, मुझे लगा कि कैलिफोर्निया में क्विन को आजमाने में काफी देर हो चुकी है। )
  • You can decide how long to let the doughnut coupon sale go on, based on your organization's fundraising needs and goals. ( आप अपने संगठन की धन उगाहने की ज़रूरतों और लक्ष्यों के आधार पर तय कर सकते हैं कि डोनट कूपन की बिक्री कितने समय तक चलेगी। )
  • If you're a fan of the show and Gordon Ramsay's you probably can't wait to hear him call someone a "donkey" or "doughnut". ( यदि आप शो और गॉर्डन रामसे के प्रशंसक हैं तो आप शायद उसे किसी को "गधा" या "डोनट" कहते हुए सुनने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकते। )
  • Contact the local Krispy Kreme doughnut store, or other similar retailer, to inquire about fundraising programs for nonprofit organizations. ( गैर-लाभकारी संगठनों के लिए धन उगाहने वाले कार्यक्रमों के बारे में पूछताछ के लिए स्थानीय क्रिस्पी क्रिम डोनट स्टोर, या अन्य समान खुदरा विक्रेता से संपर्क करें। )

More Sentence

  • He picked that up sitting in the cultural equivalent of a doughnut shop.
  • I made another call; luckily, I remembered the number of the doughnut shop.
  • Its center was much less dense than the edges, like a big doughnut in the sky.
  • The owner of the doughnut shop is catering the wedding as a favour to Richard.
  • He was eating a doughnut over the sink, his yellow tie flipped over his shoulder.
  • He sketched a simple map of the lot on the back of a Krispy Kream doughnut napkin.
  • Well, everyone except maybe that guy at the doughnut shop.
  • I recognized the girl from the doughnut shop…what was her name? Oh yes! Hi Gloria.
  • Headfirst and beside, but not touching the doughnut, was another huge, teardrop-shaped cloud.
  • It’s big and white and shaped like a giant doughnut with a three-foot-wide hole at its center.
  • I thanked her again, and headed to Roy’s, planning on stopping by the doughnut shop on the way.
  • I can’t let this happen, MacDonald may be a doughnut, but he doesn’t deserve this if he was only trying.
  • Doughnut Sales: Krispy Kreme doughnuts are offered at a reduced price then are resold at full or increased prices.
  • With a disgruntled look on his face he hurriedly dressed and shuffled out to the kitchen where Fred O'Connor was munching on a doughnut and holding a glass of Ovaltine.
  • The CT scanner is shaped like a large square with a hole in the center or round like a doughnut.
  • For someone like Gordon Ramsay, who simply loves his expletives, calling someone a doughnut, banana or donkey out of anger seems really tame…and just a little bit funny.
  • This can be a great way to generate revenue in a single day.To extend the fundraiser a little longer and have a chance to make even more money, you may also market doughnut coupons.