closet - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of closet in Hindi

  • कोठरी
  • कमरा
  • कोष्ठ
  • आलमारी
  • लिखने पढ़नेवाले कमरे का

closet Definition


  • used to refer to a state of secrecy or concealment, especially about one's homosexuality. 


  • secret; covert.


  • shut (someone) away, especially in private conference or study.

closet Example

  • She took a suitcase out of the closet and swung it up on the bed. ( उसने अलमारी से एक सूटकेस निकाला और उसे बिस्तर पर लिटा दिया। )
  • "Sasha," he said, flinging open the closet door. ( "साशा," उन्होंने कहा, कोठरी का दरवाजा खोलते हुए। )
  • Hide in the closet. ( कोठरी में छिप जाओ। )
  • What's in the closet? ( कोठरी में क्या है? )
  • Her gaze fell again to the closet in which boxes were stacked. ( उसकी टकटकी फिर से उस कोठरी पर जा गिरी जिसमें बक्से थे। )

More Sentence 

  • She tiptoed to the closet and slid inside, peeking through the slats of the door.
  • The closet door won't open.  
  • The pantry stood hidden behind a closet near the bar.
  • She whirled and marched to a closet, wrenching it open.
  • It took me forever to get it out of the closet in your apartment.
  • Placing them on the bed, she turned to the closet to get the suitcases.
  • Let's put this in the closet.  
  • Mary slid back the closet door.
  • While Fred continued his conversation, Dean rummaged through the front hall closet until he located an atlas.
  • He went to the water closet.
  • I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.
  • Mary slid back the closet door.
  • She walked stiffly to the closet, deciding quickly on a pair of blue jeans and a light shirt with a collar that would hide most of her neck.
  • There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel.
  • He heard movement outside the closet and eased the door open far enough to peek into the well-lit room.
  • After seeing his name tattooed across her back and the look of pure murder on his face, she hid in the closet until certain he was gone.
  • After another reading or revision in the reading closet it is sent to the compositors, who make the final corrections in the type and hand the forme to the printing department to deal with.