anaemic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anaemic in Hindi
- रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित
- अल्परक्तक
- क्षीणरक्त
- रक्ताल्पता संबंधी
- रक्ताल्प
- रक्ताल्पता से पीड़ित व्यक्त
- अरक्तक
anaemic Definition
- suffering from anemia. ( एनीमिया से पीड़ित। )
anaemic Example
- Their anaemic performance over the last 18 months has come as a surprise even to us. ( पिछले 18 महीनों में उनका अनीमिक प्रदर्शन हमारे लिए एक आश्चर्य के रूप में आया है। )
- You know… that's what religion has become, a feeble and anaemic nonsense. ( तुम्हें पता है ... कि क्या धर्म बन गया है, एक कमजोर और एनेमिक बकवास है। )
- The gentle light at this time of year allows pastel shades room to perform without appearing washed out and anaemic . ( वर्ष के इस समय में कोमल प्रकाश पेस्टल शेड के कमरे को बिना धुले और एनीमिक दिखाई देने के लिए प्रदर्शन करने की अनुमति देता है। )
- The majority are contemporary Spanish hits and may go over well with the hometown crowd - but to an outsider, they sound pretty lame and anaemic . ( अधिकांश समकालीन स्पेनिश हिट हैं और गृहनगर भीड़ के साथ अच्छी तरह से जा सकते हैं - लेकिन एक बाहरी व्यक्ति के लिए, वे बहुत लंगड़ा और एनीमिक ध्वनि करते हैं। )
- He said examples where it might be better to avoid a transfusion, as a precaution, included patients who were slightly anaemic following hospital treatment. ( उन्होंने कहा कि एहतियात के तौर पर संक्रमण से बचने के लिए बेहतर हो सकता है, जिसमें अस्पताल में इलाज के बाद थोड़ा एनेमिक मरीज शामिल थे। )
- Although in utero transfusions remain the treatment of choice for anaemic fetuses affected by red cell alloimmunisation, methods for monitoring the at risk fetus have evolved. ( हालांकि, गर्भाशय में संक्रमण लाल कोशिका के एलोइमुनिसाइजेशन से प्रभावित एनीमिक भ्रूणों की पसंद का इलाज बना हुआ है, जोखिम वाले भ्रूण की निगरानी के तरीके विकसित हो गए हैं। )
- Setup is joyously simple, and DVD performance is good, if not spectacular, but the sound is anaemic , lacking sufficient detail for music and serious clout for movies. ( सेटअप खुशी से सरल है, और डीवीडी का प्रदर्शन अच्छा है, अगर शानदार नहीं है, लेकिन ध्वनि एनीमिक है, जिसमें संगीत के लिए पर्याप्त विवरण का अभाव है और फिल्मों के लिए गंभीर क्लॉट है। )
- The walls were painted a pale almost fleshy pink colour (what might be described as anaemic salmon). ( दीवारों को एक पीले रंग के लगभग मांसल गुलाबी रंग में चित्रित किया गया था (जिसे एनीमिक सैल्मन के रूप में वर्णित किया जा सकता है)। )
More Sentence
- But also the actual process of donating autologous blood makes you anaemic and makes you more likely to need a transfusion during your surgery.
- If the labour movement is weak, anaemic , perhaps crippled, then failure is too close for comfort.
- It is anaemic , lacking in vision, and a generally debate-free zone.
- Our results highlight that in African communities in which malaria is endemic there are severely anaemic children who are not detected by the current healthcare system and who seem to be at considerable risk of poor development.
- It has worked for a colourless anaemic religion to which men pay lip homage.
- The ‘roast’ halibut looked a bit anaemic and was served on what is becoming a ubiquitous bland base for fish: leeks, haricots verts and asparagus.
- I blamed the lack of flowering and the anemic show of leaves on poor soil.
- If the patient is anemic , transfusion of one or more units of packed red blood cells may be prescribed.
- If you are anemic and don't have iron or vitamin B12 lack (about 70% of all anemic patients), what do you have?
- An anemic supply chain, poor infrastructure, and government red tape have kept manufacturers away for years.
- Spindle-thin trunks of Douglas fir and western larch stood in anemic , dying thickets, toppling like the flagpoles of small, failed nations.
- She was diagnosed by her Western Medicine doctor as anemic and suffering from a yeast infection.
- Although it has been thought of as a symptom of iron deficiency, it is more commonly discovered in patients who are not anemic .
- The picture seems annoyingly soft - some of this may have been intentional in the original production - with weak definition and anemic color.
- Alternatively, let's say your system performance is really anemic today.
- Does a blood transfusion in anemic patients with acute coronary syndrome improve survival?
- The frequency of perioperative blood transfusion was significantly higher in the patients who were anemic .
- The mystery attic boarder wrapped bobby pins in twists of toilet tissue - pale lime, or anemic strawberry - and slipped them under my door after dark.
- But it's also likely to reflect continued weak investment by businesses in new plants and equipment, a factor contributing to the first quarter's anemic performance, economists said.
- Since then, they have experienced three straight seasons of offensive decline, culminating with their anemic performance against the Diamondbacks in the World Series.
- The process of inducing acute anemia was considered dangerous, as it places patients at risk for anemic complications in addition to those associated with the surgical procedure.
- One half of patients with newly diagnosed gluten-sensitive enteropathy are anemic .