detest - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of detest in Hindi
- घृणा
- घृणा करना
- नफ़रत करना
- अति घृणा करना
- तिरस्कार करना
detest Definition
- dislike intensely.
detest Example
- You know how the children at the Institution detest it. ( आप जानते हैं कि संस्थान के बच्चे इससे कैसे घृणा करते हैं। )
- Though I detest getting back to a city, business calls and I respond. ( हालांकि मुझे किसी शहर में वापस जाने से नफरत है, लेकिन व्यवसाय कॉल और मैं जवाब देता हूं। )
- While it is easy to understand why students would detest the implementation of school uniforms on campus, many people might be surprised to learn that some parents and teachers are against school uniforms as well. ( हालांकि यह समझना आसान है कि छात्र परिसर में स्कूल की वर्दी के कार्यान्वयन से क्यों घृणा करेंगे, कई लोगों को यह जानकर आश्चर्य हो सकता है कि कुछ माता-पिता और शिक्षक भी स्कूल की वर्दी के खिलाफ हैं। )
- Now I hate new music from the 80's, I absolutely detest it. ( अब मुझे 80 के दशक के नए संगीत से नफरत है, मुझे इससे बिल्कुल नफरत है। )
More Sentence
- Because I had to sit at a table with someone I detest, I did not enjoy the holiday banquet.
- The animal activists detest people who purchase fur coats.
- Since my sister and her husband detest wasteful spending, they debate the value of every purchase they make.
- Do you prefer infrequent shampoos but detest oily hair?
- "Much as I detest the man, we shouldn't jump to conclusions," Cynthia said.
- His capacity to speak German with the king would alone have made Sir Robert detest him.
- I detest meddling, and ordinarily I don't want to be bothered with what doesn't concern me.
- I detest a brawl but I love danger, and life means less to me than you might suppose.
- Meetings got up for the purpose of making men and women detest each other are generously encouraged by her.
- I detest to see hooks too wide apart; they should correspond with the other proportions of the body.
- They detest nothing so much as any attempt to lead them to higher spiritual conceptions of the deities whom they profess to worship.
- You say that you detest the chase and that you are unhappy when politeness obliges you to go . . . .
- Some, indeed, of that younger race will have learned from their own fathers who suffered for them, to detest those crimes.
- It seemed so impossible to irritate this old maid into the scolding match she thirsted for, that she was growing to despise as well as detest her.
- But the history of mid-19thcentury music is unintelligible until we face the fact that, when the anti-Wagnerian storm was already at its height, Wagner was still fighting for the recognition of music which was most definite just where it realized with ultra-Meyerbeerian brilliance all that Wagner had already begun to detest.
- detest war but still fear for their lives and safety.
- detest such people being allowed on screen, just being themselves, here's an awkward question.