amplitude - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of amplitude in Hindi
- आयाम
- विस्तार
- अधिकता
amplitude Definition
- the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium. ( एक कंपन या दोलन की अधिकतम सीमा, संतुलन की स्थिति से मापा जाता है। )
- the angular distance of a celestial object from the true east or west point of the horizon at rising or setting. ( बढ़ते या स्थापित होने पर क्षितिज के सच्चे पूर्व या पश्चिम बिंदु से एक खगोलीय वस्तु की कोणीय दूरी। )
- breadth, range, or magnitude. ( चौड़ाई, सीमा या परिमाण। )
- the angle between the real axis of an Argand diagram and a vector representing a complex number. ( एक Argand आरेख की वास्तविक धुरी और एक जटिल संख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाले वेक्टर के बीच का कोण। )
amplitude Example
- the detection of signals only a few microvolts in amplitude ( आयामों में केवल कुछ माइक्रोवॉल्ट्स का पता लगाने के लिए )
- the amplitude of alpha rhythms ( अल्फा लय के आयाम )
- I was ‘stealing’ some movements and gestures but I had a different coordination, different amplitude of movement. ( मैं कुछ आंदोलनों और इशारों को 'चोरी' कर रहा था लेकिन मेरे पास एक अलग समन्वय, आंदोलन के विभिन्न आयाम थे। )
- The lyrics have a breadth and amplitude of style that mark no common master of the poet's craft. ( गीत में शैली की चौड़ाई और आयाम हैं जो कवि के शिल्प के सामान्य स्वामी नहीं हैं। )
More Sentence
- the amplitude of the crime of manslaughter lies beneath murder
- What is missing is a certain largeness of mind, an amplitude of style, the mantle of a calling, a sense of historical dignity.
- A sine function has amplitude , phase, period and shift, and you can play tricks with these.
- A problem with evoked potentials is that their amplitude is exceedingly small.
- The correlation between changes in the kinetics of synaptic current and quantal amplitude remains strong for the corrected values as well.
- Finally, we evaluate the reliability of the amplitudes and phases determined in the initial study of the star's amplitude and frequency variability.
- Practical researchers are only too aware, however, that the optical output can frequently vary significantly in amplitude and spatial quality from point to point within a crystal.
- During these same thirty years or more, Sam has also become a writer of true amplitude : of outrage and forgiveness, of directness and intelligence, of tenderness and generosity.
- The star's amplitude is approximately 0.1 magnitude.
- Families, the overlapping and intersecting lines of emotions connecting parents and children, husbands and wives, the ‘dangerous mix-ups’ of domestic life - these are the subjects she returns to in these stories and she delineates them with an old-fashioned amplitude of emotion and language.
- And also, given its magnitude, you know, the amplitude increases greatly with each point on the scale.
- This local depolarization is known as an excitatory synaptic potential, and its amplitude is determined by the number of vesicles released from the presynaptic cell.
- After covering the basics, he launches into a fairly academic discussion of signal and fourier analysis, and amplitude , angle and pulse modulation and demodulation.
- Past the half-mark, it morphs into a more ambitious and complex construction as the strings are given more scope and amplitude , but as they soon retract to the background, the original airy structure returns.
- The amplitude of the observed dihedral angle distributions ascertains the flexibility of the secondary structure which never remains flat or adopts a reversed saddle shape.
- Isochronal tail current amplitudes were normalized to the maximum amplitude obtained from that oocyte and plotted versus test potential.
- There is none of the heft and amplitude of real literature, none of the complexity.
- The same experimental database is analyzed here for distributions of amplitudes and widths.
- It keeps its shape, even at large amplitudes , because the speed of waves in the medium depends on frequency in just the right way.
- In contrast, in a binary star system both components emit their own light, making possible much larger amplitudes in the variation of the total light received in our telescopes.
- To compare the relative amplitudes of the different spectra, it is necessary to normalize the signal.
- Lifetimes and the ratio of initial amplitudes remained constant at all energies.
- Vibrations and amplitudes are higher, giving heavier densities at a higher speed.
- A frequency response of the transmission line is computed based on the measured amplitudes .