the lesser of two evils - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of the lesser of two evils in Hindi
- दो बुराइयों में से कम
the lesser of two evils Definition
- If you have two choices, but think that they are both bad, you can describe the one which is less bad as the lesser of two evils, or the lesser evil.
the lesser of two evils Example
- the lesser of two evils ( दो बुराइयों में से कम )
- Distracting - Taking a lesser-of-two-evils approach to a product, like claiming to make a "green" or "natural" cigarette. ( ध्यान भंग करना - किसी उत्पाद के प्रति कम-दो-दुष्ट दृष्टिकोण अपनाना, जैसे "हरी" या "प्राकृतिक" सिगरेट बनाने का दावा करना। )
- "But it's the lesser of two evils. ( "लेकिन यह दो बुराइयों से कम है। )
- We really have to choose between the lesser of two evils, ( हमें वास्तव में दो बुराइयों में से कम से कम एक को चुनना है, )
More Sentence
- They may figure buying it is the lesser of two evils.
- Voters typically back the lesser of two evils, Lunde said.
- I resent having to vote for the lesser of two evils.
- This is definitely an election of the lesser of two evils,
- So they were trying to take the lesser of two evils.
- So the worse one makes me regret the lesser of two evils.
- I want to vote for the lesser of two evils.
- There was no lesser of two evils in this race.
- One must know to choose the lesser of two evils.
- Are you tired of voting for the lesser of two evils?
- Do I think that Gore was the lesser of two evils?
- Our dilemma was to chose between the lesser of two evils,
- It's difficult to see lesser of two evils in a sentence .