aftertaste - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aftertaste in Hindi

  • स्वाद
  • किसी स्वाद को उत्पन्न करने वाले पदार्थ को हटा देने पर भी उस पदार्थ का स्वाद बने रहना

aftertaste Definition

  • a taste, typically an unpleasant one, remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking something. ( कुछ खाने या पीने के बाद एक स्वाद, आमतौर पर एक अप्रिय, मुंह में शेष। )

aftertaste Example

  • She sipped her cup of coffee, letting the strong flavor erase the foul aftertaste in her mouth. ( उसने अपने कप कॉफी को डुबोया, जिससे मजबूत स्वाद ने उसके मुंह में दुर्गंध को मिटा दिया। ) ( 
  • Drinking water after a snack will also help remove the aftertaste from your mouth and can help curb your desire for more. ( एक स्नैक के बाद पानी पीने से आपके मुंह से आफ्टरस्टैच को हटाने में मदद मिलेगी और आपकी इच्छा को और अधिक रोकने में मदद मिल सकती है। )
  • Experts have described is as possessing strong vanilla flavours in the nose and distinct notes of molasses in the aftertaste . ( विशेषज्ञों ने वर्णन किया है कि नाक में मजबूत वेनिला स्वाद और बाद में गुड़ के अलग-अलग नोट रखने के रूप में है। )
  • The heady aftertaste lingered just long enough for me to order another one to prolong the experience. ( मादक aftertaste मुझे अनुभव को लम्बा करने के लिए एक दूसरे को आदेश देने के लिए सिर्फ लंबे समय तक पर्याप्त था। )

More Sentence

  • She chewed the last of the ration bar and cringed at the aftertaste it left in her mouth.
  • I take it at night because it tends to leave a funny aftertaste in the mouth.
  • It has a sweet taste without a bitter aftertaste and contributes a relatively small number of calories when it is eaten.
  • Served with dark soy sauce and tangy ginger and fresh chili and lime sauces, the dish leaves a lingering aftertaste on the tongue.
  • Frozen shrimp is spongy and dry in texture, with a bit of an aftertaste .
  • The gently sweet fruit complements the food to perfection while the clean aftertaste refreshes your palate for another mouthful of spicy food.
  • This is a major negative point as it leaves something of a bitter aftertaste on the lips.
  • Desperate to purge the aftertaste , I devoured the accompanying capers, but it didn't work.
  • the wine had a bitter aftertaste
  • It's made with slivers of carrot lightly marinated in mustard seed, garlic and vinegar, with a perfumed aftertaste .
  • Who wants to drink a shake that is tasteless, or one that leaves a chalky residue with a bitter aftertaste in your mouth?
  • we concluded many exchanges in uneasy fashion, leaving behind a sour aftertaste
  • One tester thought it had a bitter aftertaste , another said it tasted of coffee.
  • Watermelon ice cream loses its taste after three days, and pineapple ice cream leaves a bitter aftertaste after seven days in storage.
  • The strawberries were not visible, the chocolate not tasted at all, and the yogurt leaves a funny aftertaste .
  • Those with reflux also may feel like food is coming back up into the mouth, leaving a bitter aftertaste of stomach acid.
  • However, the unpleasant aftertaste prevented me from adding this recipe to my all-time favourites list.
  • Low-carb foods often taste different or leave strange aftertastes .