calyx - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of calyx in Hindi
- बाह्यदलपुंज
- पुष्पकोश
- आलवाल
calyx Definition
- the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud. ( आमतौर पर एक फूल का सीपल्स, जो एक पंखुड़ी बनाता है जो पंखुड़ियों को घेरता है और कली में एक फूल के चारों ओर एक सुरक्षात्मक परत बनाता है। )
- a cuplike cavity or structure, in particular. ( एक कप के समान गुहा या संरचना, विशेष रूप से। )
calyx Example
- In most extant crinoids, primarily the shallow-water ones, there are two body regions, the calyx and the rays. ( ज्यादातर प्रचलित क्रिनोइड्स में, मुख्य रूप से उथले-पानी वाले, दो शरीर क्षेत्र, कैलेक्स और किरणें हैं। )
- The pattern of proximal axes being more aborally inclined than are distal axes is similar to that in C axes of crinoid calyx plates. ( समीपस्थ कुल्हाड़ियों का पैटर्न अधिक तीव्र रूप से झुका हुआ होता है, जो बाहर की कुल्हाड़ियों के समान होता है, जो कि क्रिनोइड कैलेक्स प्लेटों के C कुल्हाड़ियों में होता है। )
- The characters that make this species distinct from the members of the C. sampsoni clade are primarily the thin-plated calyx and basal plates, which are higher than wide. ( इस प्रजाति को सी। सैप्सोनी क्लेड के सदस्यों से अलग बनाने वाले पात्र मुख्य रूप से पतले-पतले कैलेक्स और बेसल प्लेट होते हैं, जो चौड़े से अधिक होते हैं। )
- The flower has a tubular calyx with four ovate lobes and a corolla with four overlapping petals. ( फूल में चार अंडाकार पालियों के साथ एक ट्यूबलर कैलेक्स और चार अतिव्यापी पंखुड़ियों के साथ एक कोरोला होता है। )
- The polyp lived on top of a tabula in a depression in the top of the coral called the calyx . ( पॉलीप एक तबुला के शीर्ष पर एक अवसाद में कोरल के शीर्ष पर रहता था जिसे कैलीक्स कहा जाता है। )
More Sentence
- In unstalked crinoids, the cirri are located on the end of the calyx opposite the mouth, and are used by the animal to grasp the substratum.
- You seem to be having a stone in the lower calyx of the right kidney.
- The major calyces unite to form the renal pelvis which is the expanded upper end of the ureter.
- Similar to the color traits, plant prickles were also evaluated for individual organs including stem, leaf, and flower and fruit calyxes .
- The real attraction, though, is the dramatic calyxes that remain after the small flower petals fall.
- Unlike with other bulb flowers, the calyxes of amaryllises do not open quickly, so consider this when using them in flower arrangements for certain occasions.
- The base and sides are surrounded by cortical tissue, and the apex protrudes into the renal calyces .
- He gave special attention to the pubescence of the leaves and of the calyces .
- In this case, the calyces are compressed by the markedly distended renal pelvis.
- The renal pelvis, calyces , and renal vein were grossly uninvolved.
- Although very few crinoid calyxes were encountered in the samples, columnals were ubiquitous and provided the basis for identification of crinoid genera.