admonish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of admonish in Hindi

  • धिक्कारना
  • ताड़ना देना
  • चेताना
  • डाँटना
  • भर्त्सना करना
  • सलाह देना
  • चेतावनी देना
  • झिड़कना

admonish Definition

  • warn or reprimand someone firmly. ( किसी को दृढ़ता से डाँटना या फटकारना। )

admonish Example

  • When they reached the Squad's room, they all turned to either glare at or admonish Vi. ( जब वे दस्ते के कमरे में पहुँचे, तो वे सभी या तो चकाचौंध में पड़ गए या फिर वीआई को निहारते रहे। )
  • When Stephen King won the National Book Award he used the opportunity to admonish critics for not reading more John Grisham. ( जब स्टीफन किंग ने राष्ट्रीय पुस्तक पुरस्कार जीता, तो उन्होंने आलोचकों को विशेष रूप से जॉन ग्रिशम को न पढ़ने के लिए प्रशंसा करने का अवसर दिया। )
  • It is important that you don't chastise or admonish yourself for your feelings. ( यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप अपनी भावनाओं के लिए खुद को जकड़ें या न निहारें। )
  • You know, there's so much air time spent in this city on admonishing people to get out of their cars and take transit, cycle or walk. ( तुम्हें पता है, इस शहर में लोगों को अपनी कारों से बाहर निकलने और पारगमन, चक्र या चलने के लिए बुलाने में इतना समय लगता है। )

More Sentence

  • Each of the moral rules admonishes us to avoid causing a harm…
  • He claims to be a compassionate, caring man, often admonishing people to ‘love your neighbor like you would love to be loved yourself.’
  • He publicly criticised the Government's non-performance, and admonished the police and the judiciary for their inability to produce significant results in the war on crime and corruption.
  • Citing biblical references, the letter admonishes women to remember that ‘your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you‘.
  • Do you sir, agree with this punishment which would involve the admonishment of a member of your own party?
  • In addition, clients are admonished to drink at least two quarts of water each day to help cleanse the body of toxins associated with weight loss and exercise.
  • And those who are admonishing us to harden up, toughen up, I think we need to listen to that.
  • We are admonished to avoid speaking ill of the dead, so we'll leave Derrida with this wonderful little story by Michael Martone, a leading figure in the Johns Hopkins creative writing program during the 1960s.
  • The committee's findings - a report admonishing his conduct - nonetheless spared him a lengthy investigation by the ethics panel.
  • Mallman admonishes the musicians: ‘You got to keep going.’
  • St. Paul admonishes us: ‘Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.’
  • During the city council's final session, council members criticized the current state of the Bali Hai pier and admonished the bureaucracy for their lack of care for the venue.
  • Alan Hansen would recall that, despite having won the European Cup, the taciturn Paisley still admonished his men ‘it's winning the league that's important’.
  • The girl pushed them away, and Gwen admonished her to eat.
  • So we were taken aback the other day when an email we had sent to a York PR firm bounced back, accompanied by a strict admonishment .
  • Indeed, the Supreme Court has admonished us to leave such matters to Congress.
  • Try admonishing a cat and it just purrs, looks cute and goes to sleep, confident in the knowledge that it has won your heart, again.
  • However, enforcement of the dress code regulations has been uneven and, when it occurred, generally consisted of verbal admonishment by security forces.
  • Then there's the cut-out-and-keep card for your wallet, admonishing us all to be alert but not alarmed.
  • ‘Keep in touch,’ old Mataji admonishes me, at odd hours of the day and night.
  • Sports writers have filled countless lines of copy answering questions like these by admonishing the team to work harder.
  • Shortly after this incident,… his accusers noticed that he posted a memo on the law school's Web site admonishing them in what seemed to be an act of spite.
  • Violence is an increasing problem in schools; one victim was headbutted after admonishing a pupil and needed stitches.
  • Here's a video clip from MoveOn that shows him admonishing some TV show hosts.
  • In an editorial statement in ‘Asian Voice’ Mr Patel admonishes Mr Livingstone for ignoring non-English language media in the publishing section.
  • Now a television pundit, the player was admonished by his team manager, after he had criticised his team-mates.