cataclysmic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cataclysmic in Hindi

  • दुर्घटना
  • प्रलय संबंधी
  • विप्लव संबंधी

cataclysmic Definition

  • relating to or denoting a violent natural event. ( किसी हिंसक प्राकृतिक घटना से संबंधित या उसका खंडन करना। )

cataclysmic Example

  • Paleontologists recognize five cataclysmic episodes in Earth's history, times when 50 to 95 percent of existing species abruptly vanished. ( पेलियोन्टोलॉजिस्ट पृथ्वी के इतिहास में पांच प्रलयकारी काल को पहचानते हैं, जब मौजूदा प्रजातियों के 50 से 95 प्रतिशत अचानक गायब हो जाते हैं। )
  • And all of them blissfully unaware that the cataclysmic events of the next ten years will change the world as they know it. ( और वे सभी इस बात से अनजान हैं कि अगले दस वर्षों की प्रलयकारी घटनाएं दुनिया को बदल देंगी क्योंकि वे इसे जानते हैं। )
  • This is actually a series of papyri, which describe various cataclysmic events in Egypt - blood everywhere, people dying etc. ( यह वास्तव में थेरेपी की एक श्रृंखला है, जो मिस्र में विभिन्न प्रलयकारी घटनाओं का वर्णन करती है - हर जगह रक्त, लोग मर रहे हैं आदि। )
  • Despite the world's brightest researchers, the latest GPS technology and powerful computer models, scientists cannot reliably forecast the cataclysmic geological events. ( दुनिया के सबसे उज्ज्वल शोधकर्ताओं, नवीनतम जीपीएस तकनीक और शक्तिशाली कंप्यूटर मॉडल के बावजूद, वैज्ञानिक मज़बूती से प्रलयकारी भूगर्भीय घटनाओं का पूर्वानुमान नहीं लगा सकते हैं। )
  • A cataclysmic event during this period detached most of the crystal groups from the cavern walls and ceiling. ( इस अवधि के दौरान एक प्रलयकारी घटना ने गुफा की दीवारों और छत से अधिकांश क्रिस्टल समूहों को अलग कर दिया। )

More Sentence

  • For instance, under the old paradigm, fire was considered a foe, a cataclysmic event not part of how nature works and therefore unnatural; consequently, forest managers responded with a policy of fire prevention.
  • The cataclysmic event may have caused widespread extinction of the dinosaurs and three-fourths of Earth's living organisms.
  • The cataclysmic event, which occurred last year on Jupiter's moon Io, ranks as the most powerful volcanic eruption ever recorded in the solar system.
  • The question of how stars die is currently a major focus of stellar research, and is particularly directed toward the energetic explosions that destroy a star in one cataclysmic event.
  • Eventually the entire surface founders in a cataclysmic event, leading to volcanic resurfacing on a global scale, followed by tectonic deformation of some areas as the new surface settles down.
  • Anyone who watches such cataclysmic events unfold can somehow claim them as their own.
  • It explores the environmental, political, economic and social impact of such a cataclysmic event.
  • Others have experienced in their lives some sort of cataclysmic event, and now they make lots of money telling everyone else about it.
  • As she notes in her essay, individuals and groups generally draw on familiar ‘frames of acceptance’ in grappling with traumatic or cataclysmic events.
  • And if you don't pay attention to the alarm sounded by the loss of a species then you run the risk of major, cataclysmic upheaval and suffering in the future.
  • The work was stylistically naive, but it was also passionate, content-charged, sometimes cataclysmically violent, and often evocative of altered-consciousness states like those familiar to consumers of mind-altering drugs.
  • The super-eruptions I have talked about so far have all been cataclysmically explosive affairs.
  • Like the neighboring settlements at Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Oplontis, it was buried in volcanic ash when Vesuvius erupted cataclysmically in A.D. 79.
  • Well, Vesuvius kept quiet throughout 2000, although Etna - a few hundred kilometres to the south - did erupt, although not cataclysmically .
  • For changes can happen imperceptibly, but also cataclysmically .