adherent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adherent in Hindi

  • पक्षपाती
  • अनुयायी
  • समर्थक
  • पक्षी
  • अनुबद्ध
  • अनुगामी
  • सहायक

adherent Definition


  • someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas. ( कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी विशेष पार्टी, व्यक्ति या विचारों के समूह का समर्थन करता है। )


  • sticking fast to an object or surface. ( किसी वस्तु या सतह पर तेजी से चिपकना। )

adherent Example

  • An understanding of the parameters controlling the number of rolling cells is important because it directly influences the number of adherent cells. (रोलिंग सेल की संख्या को नियंत्रित करने वाले मापदंडों की समझ महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह सीधे पक्षपाती कोशिकाओं की संख्या को प्रभावित करता है। )
  • As the style grows and the papillae develop, adherent pollen grains are observed with increasing frequency. ( जैसे-जैसे शैली बढ़ती है और पैपिला विकसित होती है, पालनशील पराग कण बढ़ती आवृत्ति के साथ देखे जाते हैं। )
  • He was an adherent of liberation theology, a progressive movement that advocated for the poor. ( वे मुक्ति धर्मशास्त्र के अनुयायी थे, एक प्रगतिशील आंदोलन जो गरीबों की वकालत करता था। )
  • Latex beads pipetted onto the surface of adherent aggregates attach to the membrane and are internalized. ( लेटेक्स मोतियों को पक्षपाती समुच्चय की सतह पर पाइपेट किया जाता है जो झिल्ली से जुड़ा होता है और आंतरिक रूप से जुड़ा होता है। )

More Sentence

  • He is an adherent of the somewhat controversial school of evolutionary psychology.
  • He was, in his younger days, an adherent of socialist views.
  • As an adherent of the ‘ignore it and it will go away’ school of medicine it was only at my wife's insistence that I made an appointment with my GP.
  • A 6 cm right adrenal mass that was quite adherent to the inferior vena cava was found.
  • Unfortunately the tumor was quite adherent to the left subclavian artery and chest wall and could not be completely removed.
  • Signs of high-risk bleeding include active arterial bleeding, nonbleeding visible vessels, nonbleeding adherent clots, and ulcer oozing.
  • The results from this study indicate that the retraction response is rarely observed in the current population of passive adherent cells selected for investigation.
  • Even before that, I was not an adherent of the Freudian theory, just from my own experience.
  • It is remarkable that this coupling between energy storage and dissipation has been observed not only in different adherent cells but also in many soft biological tissues.
  • A growing body of evidence indicates that the primary control of adherent cell shape and deformability is exerted at the level of the cytoskeletal filaments.
  • The experiments were repeated four times for each of at least five donors, and the average percentage of adherent cells under each condition was determined.
  • Normal mechanical ventilation produced no change in leukocyte rolling velocity and the number of adherent cells over 2 hours.
  • As shear stress is increased, the number of firmly adherent cells decreases and the distribution of rolling velocities throughout the population becomes wider.
  • The applicability of the light scattering technique would be greatly expanded if it could be implemented using adherent cells.
  • He was not an adherent of an established religious tradition, but followed his own personal faith.
  • Other options for removing adherent scale involve applying any of a variety of oils (peanut, olive or mineral) to soften the scale overnight, followed by use of a detergent or coal tar shampoo.
  • Violet was an adherent of the United Church of Canada.
  • This produces a shinier and more adherent silver plating.
  • The mass was removed in multiple pieces, and some of the myocardial muscle was also removed with densely adherent tumor.
  • Patients who have adherent clot on their ulcer at endoscopy are at increased risk of rebleeding, as was the case in six of seven patients in this series.
  • Any person could be an adherent of the religion concerned, and be entitled to the same privileges and obligations as every other person.
  • This procedure allows visualization of adherent bacteria in the living worms.
  • The appendix was enlarged and formed an irregular, nodular mass with adherent omentum, measuring 6 x 4 x 4 cm.
  • The limitation of our method is that it can only be used for studying cells in suspension and is therefore not suitable for adherent cell lines.
  • John Duncan was born in Athy in or about 1785 and unlike his brother Thomas he became an ardent adherent of Methodism.
  • The perception appears to be that I am such a slavish adherent of the letter of the law that I do not grasp the spirit of it.