elasticity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elasticity in Hindi


  • लोच
  • लचिलाता
  • लचीलापन
  • लचक
  • मूल्य सापेक्षता
  • मूल्य-सापेक्षता

elasticity Definition


  • the ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed; stretchiness.
  • ability to change and adapt; adaptability.
  • the degree to which a demand or supply is sensitive to changes in price or income.

elasticity Example

  • aging can decrease the elasticity of your skin ( उम्र बढ़ने से आपकी त्वचा की लोच कम हो सकती है )
  • When caoutchouc is heated slightly above the temperature of boiling water it becomes softer and loses much of its elasticity, which, however, it recoveres on cooling. ( जब काउचौक को उबलते पानी के तापमान से थोड़ा ऊपर गर्म किया जाता है तो यह नरम हो जाता है और अपनी लोच खो देता है, हालांकि, यह ठंडा होने पर ठीक हो जाता है। )
  • The development of the rubber industry has now reached a stage at which more exact methods of determining the chemical composition and physical properties (strength and elasticity) of rubber are required. ( रबर उद्योग का विकास अब एक ऐसे चरण में पहुँच गया है जहाँ रबर की रासायनिक संरचना और भौतिक गुणों (ताकत और लोच) को निर्धारित करने के लिए अधिक सटीक तरीकों की आवश्यकता होती है। )
  • The price elasticity for LCVs is only 1.7 %. ( एलसीवी के लिए कीमत लोच केवल 1.7% है। )

More Sentence

  • The elasticity of the fiber is increased as a direct result.
  • The elasticity of the lungs can be trained to expand further.
  • The long-run price elasticity of supply is quite high.
  • In the case of thermal fluctuations this second type of correlation depends on the elasticity of the membrane.
  • The melt elasticity of a polymer is dependent on M z.
  • The judges commented on his elasticity, suppleness, and engagement.
  • Bend radius is determined by material elasticity rather than tool shape.
  • Alpha solenoids have unusual elasticity and flexibility relative to globular proteins.
  • It's difficult to see elasticity in a sentence .
  • - The micas are characterized by a very easy cleavage in a single direction and by the high degree of flexibility, elasticity and toughness of the extremely thin cleavage flakes.
  • Such an alloy can be cast like ordinary bronze, but excels the latter in hardness, elasticity, toughness and tensile strength.
  • Most metals when molten are capable of dissolving at least small proportions of carbon, which, in general, leads to a deterioration in metallicity, except in the case of iron, which by the addition of small percentages of carbon gains in elasticity and tensile strength with little loss of plasticity.
  • the price elasticity of electricity demand