acidity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of acidity in Hindi

  • अम्लता
  • खट्टापन
  • तीक्ष्णता
  • अम्लरोग
  • पेट की गैस

acidity Definition

  • the level of acid in substances such as water, soil, or wine. ( पानी, मिट्टी या शराब जैसे पदार्थों में एसिड का स्तर। )
  • the bitterness or sharpness of a person's remarks or tone. ( किसी व्यक्ति की टिप्पणी या टोन की कड़वाहट या तीक्ष्णता। )

acidity Example

They actually have a balancing effect in the digestive tract, for whilst stimulating the flow of digestive juices, they can counteract excess acidity in the stomach. ( वे वास्तव में पाचन तंत्र में संतुलन प्रभाव रखते हैं, पाचन रस के प्रवाह को उत्तेजित करने के लिए, वे पेट में अतिरिक्त अम्लता का मुकाबला कर सकते हैं। )

When acid rain falls in lakes and rivers, it increases the acidity of the water and can kill or seriously damage aquatic organisms. ( जब अम्लीय वर्षा झीलों और नदियों में गिरती है, तो यह पानी की अम्लता को बढ़ाती है और जलीय जीवों को मार सकती है या गंभीर रूप से नुकसान पहुंचा सकती है। )

This may provide the advantage of enhanced delivery and absorption in the small intestines by protecting long-chain fatty acids from hydrolysis in gastric acidity . ( यह गैस्ट्रिक अम्लता में हाइड्रोलिसिस से लंबी श्रृंखला फैटी एसिड की रक्षा करके छोटी आंतों में बढ़ाया वितरण और अवशोषण का लाभ प्रदान कर सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • The gravel in the Brooklyn tones, the acidity in the wit and the raucous laugh remind us we are in the presence of one of the most controversial figures in literary history.
  • A blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, this rich wine has good acidity and luscious raisin notes.
  • In trying to link the acidity of rainfall to the acidity of soils and water it is essential to understand the role that soils play in releasing chemicals into solution as a result of natural weathering.
  • Marcus winced at the acidity in her tone.
  • Long-term use may result in side effects such as acidity , gastritis and even kidney failure.
  • Wines from countries such as Italy or France tend to have higher acidity than new world wines because they are intended to be served with traditional foods.
  • Urease liberated in these events seems to coat bacterial cell surfaces where its hydrolysis of urea to produce ammonia may provide a first line defense against gastric acidity .
  • Wines with high acidity go best with heavy, fatty dishes.
  • I had to try really, really hard to instil some acidity into my voice.
  • A buffered pain reliever contains an antacid to reduce acidity in the stomach.
  • It is often not the food we eat that causes acidity problems in the stomach, but an over production of acid that is secreted into the stomach following a meal.
  • Even watching him now you are struck by the speed and smoothness of his delivery and the acidity of his remarks.
  • the cutting acidity in his voice
  • In addition, it may be worthwhile to measure gastric acidity in such patients and to consider replacement hydrochloric acid therapy at mealtime for those who are hypochlorhydric.
  • The betaine in this compound does not alter gastric acidity , but simply ‘delivers’ the hydrochloric acid.
  • In general, warmer New World countries, such as Australia, produce white wines of lower acidity .
  • Excessive acidity and osmotic pressure in the gastric effluent can also retard emptying.
  • This definitely is a bane as complaints of constipation, acidity , obesity, indigestion, etc., are rampant among the youth.
  • Days on the road together with bad food have worn down Nambiar's health and he now suffers from acidity and dyspepsia.
  • Pine needles tend to increase the acidity of the soil so they work best around acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons and blueberries.
  • Therefore, future clinical solutions may also include pharmacological management of gastric acidity or esophageal reflux in at-risk individuals.
  • smoking does not affect gastric acidity
  • Organic farming has many benefits to the environment since it prevents soil and water contamination by chemicals which reduce soil fertility and increase acidity .
  • It may grow on sites with varying soil water availability and acidity , as well as at different above-ground light availabilities.
  • the increased acidity of rainfall
  • Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers seem to develop along different pathways, involving high and low gastric acidity , respectively.
  • It does not follow that soil acidity bears any relation to wine acidity .