accelerate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of accelerate in Hindi
- में तेजी लाने के
- गति बढ़ाना
- चाल बढ़ाना
- गतिवृद्धि करना
- की गति बढ़ाना
- वेग बढ़ाना
- त्वरित करना
- तेज़ करना
accelerate Definition
(of a vehicle or other physical object) begin to move more quickly. ( (किसी वाहन या अन्य भौतिक वस्तु के) अधिक तेज़ी से चलना शुरू होता है। )
accelerate Example
- These electrons accelerate in the electric field of the wake. ( ये इलेक्ट्रॉन वेकेशन के इलेक्ट्रिक फील्ड में तेजी लाते हैं। )
- This action causes the solar atmosphere to sizzle with high-energy X-rays and gamma rays and accelerate proton and electron particles into the solar system. ( यह क्रिया सौर वातावरण को उच्च-ऊर्जा एक्स-किरणों और गामा किरणों से छलनी करने और प्रोटॉन और इलेक्ट्रॉन कणों को सौर मंडल में तेजी लाने का कारण बनती है। )
More Sentence
- The synchrotron can accelerate electrons from a mere walking pace up to almost the speed of light.
- The average F1 car can accelerate faster than most other race cars, aside from drag racing and rally cars that is.
- I can't believe how fast these cars accelerate out of the corner.
- Biotechnology will continue to advance and its rate of advance will accelerate .
- This contribution is expected to increase as melting rates accelerate , though ultimately the added runoff is predicted to disappear as glaciers decline many decades from now.
- The need for water investment keeps inexorably increasing and tends to accelerate as the deterioration of these systems advance.
- The rate of advance of biotech is likely to accelerate to such an extent that many people who are alive right now will live to see aging become at first partially reversible.
- Then, Spinella says, the shift into hybrids and smaller vehicles would accelerate .
- Why is it easier to accelerate an electron to a speed that is close to the speed of light, compared to accelerating a proton to the same speed?
- The principle of the cyclotron fails as particles accelerate close to the speed of light.
- According to Al Smith, much current research is focused on the use of lasers to accelerate protons, rather than using existing cyclotron and synchrotron sources.
- inflation started to accelerate
- A sufficiently strong electric field can further accelerate these electrons.
- The test commenced with the vehicle accelerating under normal conditions from a standing position to the testing speed.
- A energy absorbing structure is disclosed for the purpose of protecting human occupants of a vehicle from the damaging effects of sudden accelerative or decelerative forces by means of plastic deformation of the structure.
- Throughout 2003 the monthly increases in the unemployment rate accelerated and the average number of hours worked declined.
- Amazingly both cars are as fast as each other, with the diesel car accelerating just a bit quicker than the petrol.
- The result is a diesel Primera that's now as accelerative to 62 mph as its 2.0-litre petrol alternative, but is still just as fuel and tax efficient.
- The vehicle accelerated in a sudden thrust, swerving about out of control.
- The airplane accelerates very quickly in the dive and when seen from the ground appears extremely fast.
- X rays emerge when the electrons, accelerated by a strong electric field, slam into a tungsten target.
- The vehicle accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in roughly 16 seconds.
- In this model the gamma rays are emitted as synchrotron radiation by electrons that are accelerated to much lower energies.
- My bike accelerates faster, though, and it's a lot more agile, and I have a clear picture in my head of the city grid for this section and a feel for the traffic rhythms.
- The MX - 5 delivers a satisfying accelerative surge, helped along by the short and tight shifter mounted high on the transmission tunnel.
- These electrons are further accelerated to strike a fluorescent screen, where the effects can easily be seen by the eyes.
- But it still leaves unexplained why the rate of house price increases should be accelerating at all, and how reliable and sustainable this acceleration is.
- The navigational algorithm is accelerative , which means the longer the user depresses the forward button, the faster the user moves through the environment.