lockdown - Meaning in Telgu

Meaning of lockdown in Telgu

  • لاک ڈاؤن
  • اپنے کمرے میں قید
  • لاک آؤٹ

lockdown Definition

the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically after an escape or to regain control during a riot. ( قیدی عام طور پر فرار ہونے کے بعد یا فسادات کے دوران یا کسی ہنگامی صورتحال پر قابو پانے کے لئے اپنے چیمبروں تک محدود ہوجاتے ہیں۔ )

lockdown Example

  • More than 100 prisoners were placed on lockdown for the rest of the day following protest early last Monday morning. ( گذشتہ پیر کی صبح سویرے ہونے والے احتجاج کے بعد 100 سے زائد قیدیوں کو باقی دن کے لئے لاک ڈاؤن پر رکھا گیا تھا۔ )
  • Security officials then put the nuclear station on lockdown . ( اس کے بعد سکیورٹی اہلکاروں نے نیوکلیئر اسٹیشن کو لاک ڈاؤن پر ڈال دیا۔ )
  • Authorities responded by putting the entire city in lockdown . ( حکام نے پورے شہر کو لاک ڈاؤن میں ڈال کر جواب دیا۔ )

More Sentence

  • Luckily the prisoners where all in lockdown at the moment so they could keep the casualties down to a minimum.
  • Israeli officials said the lockdown was necessary to stop the movement of Hizbullah weapons around Lebanon.
  • But, again, the college is still on lockdown .
  • There remains a lockdown for Building 44, where the situation is developing.
  • In lockdown it is not physically possible to have sex with anyone other than your celly.
  • Harding High School, about two blocks east of the crime scene, was placed on lockdown for a short period in the morning.
  • But survivors occasionally breached the lockdown and came to the fence to tell their stories, each one astonishing.
  • Administrators responded with an institution lockdown , confining all prisoners to their cells.
  • A security lockdown tantamount to a state of emergency prevailed in the German city of Mainz on Rhine on Wednesday, February 23.
  • A lockdown has now been lifted at Saint Peter's College in New Jersey.
  • the university is on lockdown and nobody has been able to leave
  • This final act of defiance precipitated a lockdown of the entire Texas state prison system.
  • the lockdown has been in effect since October 1983
  • In 2 men cell lockdown the only person that you can fight with is your celly.
  • Finally, we were let off lockdown later in the afternoon.
  • Read all about the Linkin Park lockdown .
  • She ripped out the spoon, and tried to run for the door, but somebody had put the whole prison in lockdown .
  • Outside of lockdown , captives are warehoused like cattle.
  • Furthermore, they are typically barred from areas where ministry is most needed: maximum security prisons, solitary confinement blocks, and twenty-three-hour lockdowns .
  • Inmates in three California prisons are being kept in their cells on 24-hour-a-day lockdowns to save money on overtime pay for guards.
  • Though he has no criminal record, murderers and junkies and 23-hour lockdowns became part of his life.
  • Some were held in lockdowns for 23 hours a day, and then taken from their cells bound in handcuffs, leg irons and waist chains.