west - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of west in Hindi


  • पच्छम

west Definition


  • the direction toward the point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinoxes, on the left-hand side of a person facing north, or the part of the horizon lying in this direction.
  • the western part of the world or of a specified country, region, or town.


  • lying toward, near, or facing the west.
  • of or denoting the western part of a specified area, city, or country or its inhabitants.


  • to or toward the west.

west Example

  • a patrol aimed to create a diversion to the west of the city ( शहर के पश्चिम में एक डायवर्जन बनाने के उद्देश्य से एक गश्ती दल )
  • the accident happened a mile west of Bowes ( दुर्घटना बोवेस के एक मील पश्चिम में हुई )
  • the evening sun glowed from the west ( शाम का सूरज पश्चिम से चमक रहा था )
  • I understand you have a big ranch west of here. ( मैं समझता हूँ कि आपके यहाँ पश्चिम में एक बड़ा खेत है। )

More Sentence

  • "He's driving west," I said.
  • Lucia in the West Indies.
  • Pacific Ocean on the west.
  • We in the West with our.
  • On his way into the West.
  • The west wing of the house is much cooler in the morning since the sun rises on the opposite side.  
  • Until now, the West was.
  • West for a secure transfer.
  • Nelson pointed to the west.
  • California is a long way from West Virginia, Betsy.
  • It read, 'Croft's Feed, Alder's Bridge, West Virginia!
  • Some of them ran towards the east, some towards the west, and some towards the south
  • he faced west and watched the sunset
  • it will become windy in the west
  • the formation is caused by the prevalent west winds
  • the west coast