disorient - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disorient in Hindi
- गुमराह करना
disorient Definition
- cause (someone) to lose their sense of direction.
disorient Example
- The inconsistencies of the narrative do more than merely disorient and challenge the reader ( कथा की विसंगतियाँ पाठक को केवल भटकाव और चुनौती देने के अलावा और भी बहुत कुछ करती हैं )
- What many of his former players will find will disorient them. ( उनके कई पूर्व खिलाड़ी जो पाएंगे वह उन्हें विचलित कर देगा। )
- He could disorient opponents or use sound as a concussive weapon. ( वह विरोधियों को विचलित कर सकता था या ध्वनि को एक प्रेरक हथियार के रूप में इस्तेमाल कर सकता था। )
- He manages to disorient Brenner long enough to steal the videotapes. ( वह वीडियोटेप चोरी करने के लिए काफी देर तक ब्रेनर को विचलित करने का प्रबंधन करता है। )
More Sentence
- During the duel Paris is cut and the poison disorients him.
- Tony Hiss points out how places can orient and disorient civilians.
- Police use such a grenade to disorient the apartment's occupants.
- Chinese railroad labor in " Disorient Express ."
- The blazing redundant surfaces disorient; one wallows in space.
- During wartime, psyop crews aimed to scare and disorient enemy fighters.
- Light pollution attracts and disorients photophilic animals, those that follow light.
- It's difficult to see disorient in a sentence .
- This disorients her long enough for Ringer to kill her.
- And his goal will be to disorient the quarterback.
- What's it called, the Disorient Express?
- I fear anything disorients me, the bits of memory that might arise,
- Such alignment is temperature dependent as thermal agitation acts to disorient the dipoles.
- These electric fields apparently confuse and disorient the animals and disable their hunting mechanism.
- Lights on tall structures can disorient migrating birds.
- Barracuda seemingly kills the child but it is a fake meant to disorient Frank.
- With the orchestra moving in multiple directions at once it disorients the listener further.